Chapter 9

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The pic above is Yuki's mangekyo/eternal mangekyo sharingan. Sorry if not everything is here, but wattpad is giving me problems.

Sasuke's pov

After the test, the second stage of the chunnin exams was in the forest of death. I could tell that Yuki has been carefully studying the other teams. After we received our heaven scroll we ran into the woods. We walked for about 5 minutes before we encountered another team.

Yuki's POV

Sasuke, Naruto, and I injured them, took their scroll, and continued on our way.After a couple more minutes I began to feel a faint KI coming from the west. It felt slightly familiar to me somehow. "Let's head this way," I said pointing in the opposite direction of the KI. Unfortunately in my travels I made several enemies, and if that KI was familiar then it was to be avoided. I hope nothing bad happens. We traveled to the tower when a giant snake appeared. I immediately recognized it. That is one of Orochimaru's summons. "I want you three to turn and run away. I know who this is and it won't be pleasant. He's WAY above your rank. I don't want you to get hurt I'll catch up with you." I said hurriedly. "What about you? Will you be alright?" Sasuke asked. I nodded and said, "I've fought this bastard before, I'll do it again." "Be careful," He pleaded before hiding with the others.
I took out a one of my katanas and sliced the snake in half. "Orochimaru get your slimy pedophile snake ass out here." I shouted. I activated my sharingan and looked around.
I spotted his chakra and threw a kunai in that direction. I could tell that the rest of team seven was watching me so I had to be careful not to hurt them or reveal there hiding spot. "Kukuku, I didn't imagine we would get to play again my dearest Yuki-chan. I was coming here for Sasuke's eyes, but yours are even better." He hissed. I quickly summoned Shiro and Kura as he summoned a few of his two headed snakes. "Oh not this shit again. Let's do this!" Kura yelled. They fought the snakes while I took on Orochimaru in taijutsu. We fought for a minute before I was thrown into a tree. I shot a fireball at him and enhanced it with a simple wind jutsu. When the flames dispersed, a shed skin was in his place. I cussed and looked around for him. I quickly jumped back and formed some quick and seals when he shot a water jutsu. An earth wall just barely protected me. I turned on my mangekyo sharingan and put him in a quick genjutsu. "Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, get out of here while he's trapped." I shouted. I then went to stab him in the chest with my katakana, but he broke the genjutsu and stopped it. He summoned his kusanagi blade and we fought for a few mitutes. I used my eyes and a few simple genjutus and managed to cut him on the shoulder. "All I want is a sharingan, so I'll leave you with this gift," He stated before his neck elongated and he bit Sasuke on the shoulder. Then he disappeared. I fell the the ground in exhaustion while Sasuke groaned on pain.

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