chapter 5

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Yuki's POV

I woke up the next day to Sasuke gently shaking me. I opened one eye and my normal sharingan began spinning. I am NOT a morning person. "Yeah yeah, I don't like mornings either. I made eggs, we need to meet with the Konoha rookies in 45 minutes at training ground 7." He said. I then deactivated my sharingan and followed him to the kitchen. We ate in a comfortable silence, then we both went to make ourselves presentable, aka wear something that's not sweatpants and a baggy shirt, and fix hair. Then we walked over to the train ground. "Alright Yuki. I already explained everything so why don't you introduce yourself." Kakashi said with his eye smile.

"My name is Yuki Uchiha. I am 14 years old. I like dango, training, wolves, my twin katanas, and what's left of my family, and my summons. My dislikes are arrogant bastards, people who judge without knowing the full story, my dead relatives except Shisui-nii, spicy food, and those who believe that they are better than everyone else. My hobbies are training and helping others. My dream for the future is to become strong enough to protect those that I care about." I said with a slight smile.

In the next couple minutes I learned everyone's name. "Well why don't we start with basic taijutsu only sparring." Asuma-sensei said. "I would like to take on the youthful Yuki!" Rock Lee shouted. I got into my stance and he did as well. I didn't bother using my sharingan, I didn't need it. "Wow, she's not even gonna use the sharingan," Naruto exclaimed. "She can active it?" Shikamaru asked. "Yeah, she used it to glare at me this morning," Sasuke replied with a chuckle. Lee and I started our spar. His style caught me off guard, but I won in less that 5 minutes. "Amazingly youthful, good job Yuki, you are an strong opponent, I must become stronger to defeat you." Lee shouted before doing push-ups. "You said you had summons. What summons?" Kakashi-sensei asked. I did the summoning jutsu. My two favorite dragons appeared in a puff of smoke. They are both about the size of two horses. Shiro is a white dragon with light blue eyes. Kura is a black dragon with purple eyes. "Holy shit! Dragons!" Kiba yelled. "Please refrain from yelling to loudly, our ears are quite sensitive." Shiro stated in his soft voice. Shiro was a calm and patient soul. He had a soft voice that's a bit on the lower side. Kura on the other hand was a bit loud and reckless. Her voice was a little bit a bit rougher, but obviously feminine. "Everyone looks like they are about to shit themselves," Kura laughed. I rolled my eyes at her antics. "Dragons. You have a contract with dragons." Kakashi said in utter disbelief. "If I may ask, who are you people," Shiro said politely. I introduced everyone then said, "Everyone this is Kura and Shiro. They are the twin children of the Dragon King." All the rookies and senseis were still gawking at the fact that they was dragons in front of them. Kura started laughing at them before Shiro gave her a stern look. "So how my we be of service to you miss Yuki," Shiro asked. I told him about how I'm going to be on team seven and then dismissed them. They left in a puff of smoke. "Where did you find THAT contract," Kurenai-sensei asked. I shrugged and 'hn'ed in response. "What's with you Uchiha's and your hn noise. It's NOT a response." Kiba yelled. Sasuke and I both hned loudly at him in unison making everyone laugh. After that we continued to train. We all trained until lunch time, and headed to the barbecue place. After lunch was when Lord Third has going to tell everyone the truth of the Uchiha massacre and allow Itachi to come back home. Also Danzo is to be put in a high security jail cell.

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