chapter 7

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Sasuke's pov

Kakashi-sensei arrived about a minute after us. "Your late again sensei." Sakura said. "Sorry, I got lost on the path path of life." He replied with his eye smile. Yuki and I both rolled our eyes at his behavior. The first time he was late it took Naruto, Sakura, and I all together to hold her back from killing him, and even them she gave him some pretty bad cuts. "Today we are going to do a few D-rank missions, then your free for the day." He said.

Time skip because why the hell not

"I fucking HATE that damn demon cat," Yuki complained as we entered the house. "I'm guessing you did the dreaded catching Tora mission today." Itachi said with a smirk. I nodded. My face was covered in scratches, and Yuki's hands were bleeding. Itachi sighed, "come into the kitchen, both of you. I'll clean those wounds before the get any kind of infection." We followed him without hesitation. After cleaning our cuts, Itachi made us some miso soup. "Next time I'm gonna feed that damn thing to the Inuzuka wolves." Yuki grumbled. I nodded in agreement. "Well I wouldn't recommend it. You would get in a hell of alot of trouble. I don't want to come back from my mission to find that my siblings have been severely punished because of a cat." Itachi said. Yuki and I glared at him and mumbled a 'hn' in response. After dinner we all went off to do our own thing.

The next day.

Yuki's POV

When I woke up in the morning I could smell eggs cooking. I went downstairs to see Itachi burning eggs. "Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?" I asked. "I don't have to leave for another hour." He said while throwing away the burnt egg and starting a new one. "Who the hell let him cook eggs. It's the only thing he can't fucking cook to save his life," Sasuke grumbled while walking into the room. "He already started his egg massacre when I woke up." I replied. Itachi glared at us right before I pushed him away from the stove. "I'll make breakfast before you burn anymore eggs." I said while glacier at the 15 egg shells on the counter. He burnt 15 fucking eggs. "Thanks Yuki." Sasuke said, grateful that the smell of burning eggs would go away soon. I nodded and made 3 omelets and put one on each plate. After breakfast Itachi grabbed his weasel ANBU mask and shushined to the Hokage tower. Shortly after that Sasuke and I met out team at the usual bridge. After a hour of Sakura flirting with Sasuke (much to his displeasure), and Naruto and I talking about random things, Kakashi-sensei showed up in a poof of smoke. "Yo. Here I signed your four up for the chunnin exams. Fill out these papers and meet in the academy by 4." He said before disappearing again. Probably to read his porn.

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