Chapter One: Moving

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My name is Isabella Swan and this is my story.

I open my eyes to see a beeping alarm clock flashing at 7:00 am. I sigh loudly.

Great, it's morning. The morning of the day I have to spend hours on a plane going to the coldest city I know.

I get up as slowly as time will allow and walk into my small  bathroom.

Looking down at the sink, I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth.

Guess this will be the last time I am in this room for a while

Afterwards I jump in the shower and slowly wash the sleep off of me for the day. Hot water feels amazing.

I wish I could stay in the water forever, but unfortunately it is time to get out. I turn off the water and dry off, going to my closet next.

I put on a pair of white skinny jeans and a black tank top that I set out last night, since all of my other stuff is packed.

I slip on some black shoes and a jacket and start putting some essentials into my Carry on bag.

While putting in my cell charger I hear my mom downstairs.

"Isabella! Let's go before you miss the plane!" She yells.

Perfect timing. 

I start thinking to myself, trying to let this all sink in. A couple things that pass through my mind: 

Today, I move to Washington.

 Away from the hot dry home I know... to the wet and cold town of Forks.

I don't know anyone there.

Awkward silence at dinner will be a permanent thing between me and my "dad" charlie.

Something crazy will probably happen.

Yup. We're doing this.

I stuff my notebook in my bag and zip it closed.

"I'm coming mom, just getting some last minute things!

I run down the stairs and find her waiting for me. I hear her husband Phil  outside yelling at us to hurry up. 

My mom rushes us out the door like she's a duck and I'm her chick, not  knowing where to go.

Into the car I go. Suddenly, as I was buckling up I hear my mom pronouncing loudly to the whole street. 

"Here we go!! " She yells out,  locking  the door behind herself.

I take another look at the my old house through the dusty tinted car window.

I already miss Arizona.

Oops. Let me backup.

 I should tell you why I'm moving.

My mom is going on a road trip with her husband and while they are gone, I'm moving to Forks to finish my senior year of high school. I don't mind moving but I'm not looking forward to being the new girl for my last year of high school.

*** car songs, boring dry desert scenery and 25 minutes to the airport later***

We're almost to the airport and I think my mom is crying.

"Hey mom?" I ask

"Yeah? What is it?" She tries to hide her sniffles.

"Are you going to be okay without me? It's only for a few months..." I say

She doesn't reply as we pull up.

We get out of the car and start putting my stuff where the bags are supposed to go. You know, those weird bellhop carts that you think only exist in London, and in fancy TV shows.

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