Chapter Four: White Roses and Lunch

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After awkwardly staring into space and introducing myself, art class started. The crazy art lady had us ask our partners questions while drawing something that they asked us to. Alice had me draw a single white rose next to a small red box, and I asked her to draw what her house looked like. 

While drawing we talked about what was different about my life in the heat vs here in cold forks. 

"I miss the sun," I told her when she asked what the worst change was. "Cold has never set well with me, I and the cold will never mix."

Her drawing started to take the shape of a beautiful glass house, and when I asked her where she lived she replied, 

"I live in the mountains, there are a lot of trees and space to explore. My family can really be peaceful there, out of the town where everyone else lives." 

"Where did you get this idea of drawing a rose?" I asked,

"I see things that catch my eye and that was one of the things I thought of today. I usually draw the things that I think of, maybe one day I will know if that rose means anything." 

I kept drawing as a response, Alice is pretty mysterious but I think we will end up being friends. 

The bell chimed, cutting off my thoughts and we all put our drawings and pencils away for the day. 

Time for Lunch. 


Lunch was filled with the people i met earlier that day, all eating and joking about things that were going on. 

I got my food and sat with them. Questions like, "How is your first day?" "Do you like it here?" and "How is the food?" came from different places around the table. 

I still didn't know their names really so I answered to everyone:

" First day is kinda long, the food is good, and I don't know if i like it here yet..." 

After the words left my mouth I start to think maybe i upset them by not loving the cold and long day, but they seem to be too wrapped up in their side conversations to notice. That is okay with me, I would rather try to fit in and not cause a big scene about being the new girl. 

With 5 minutes left of lunch I throw the food I didn't eat away and put the plastic tray by the cafeteria lady. 

Time to go back to the library for my next free period. I really want to see what the rest of that book says..

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