Chapter Eleven: Red Glass

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I am finally updating again, and have this entire week off to write. (This chapter just seemed to write itself! I am so excited for you to read it!) Thanks for reading!

He puts a cold hand on my shoulder and speaks. "I am okay, and I will prove it to you. Please, let me take you somewhere and I will tell you everything. okay? "

I agree and he puts the car back in drive. 

A short drive through the forest later, we pull up a long driveway to see a huge house that seems to sit in the middle of the forest. If you didn't know where it was, you definitely would not have found it. 

I looked up from my spot in the passenger seat in awe. It was beautiful, and just as alice's drawing had shown it. We sat in silence for a few minutes, I had practically forgotten the reason I was here, in this car, until Edward spoke. 

"Bella, it's time to go inside. " 

Go... inside..?  Wait. What? We were going.. IN HIS HOUSE?!? 

My mind snapped back to reality and I turned to him. "Why are we here? Is your family home? I don't know what to say to any of them, are you sure it's a good idea? " I spoke far more calmly than I felt. 

My mind was spinning with ideas of how I'm dressed and what to say to his family. They probably didn't even know I was coming.. 

Then something I didn't expect happened. He laughed. 

Edward POV

I laughed. I couldn't hear what she was thinking, but I know she must be going crazy. Wondering what to do in front of my family. I found it amusing that she didn't know that they could hear us talking, and her babbling. 

She stopped her ranting and looked at me, her expression confused. 

"I'm sorry bella, I don't mean to laugh. Don't worry about my family, they already knew I might be bringing you over."

 I neglected to say that they knew because they could hear us outside, and just let her assume that I had told them earlier today. 

She takes a deep breath. When she looks at me again, her face is more relaxed and she looks to be calming down. 

Good. I can hear Alice and Jasper speaking, but can't make out what they say. I don't like to pry into their thoughts so I assume its to move Jasper somewhere else while Bella is here. His appearance is a bit shocking and he still needs a little more practice at control around humans. I wait a coupe more minutes, and then I open my door. 

"Time to go inside." 

Bella inhales sharply, and looks at me. It frustrates me to no end that I can't here what she is thinking. I need to get this over with so that she doesn't invest the help of other humans into her research about me. If she finds out on her own it may be a problem for the Volturi. As it is, the only way she could know now is if someone gives her a rose within a year of her knowing. She smells divine but I am not sure she's mine. I will, however, take responsibility if needed because it's my fault that she has this much information. 

I turn to see Bella unbuckling her seat belt and opening her door. Lets get this over with. 

Bella POV

My hands are shaking. Edward hasn't told me anything about his family besides the fact that they are apparently expecting us. How that is, I don't know. It is time to go though so here we go.

 I open my door, and follow Edward up the path to the large glass house.

In the light of sunset, it shines red. 

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