Chapter Fifteen: Interrogation

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WooHoo! New Cover! *I don't own the photo art*

Dedicated to @Eclecticbooklover1 and @RoxyFH for commenting on the last few chapters! 

Bella pov, in park drinking coffee.

He pays and hands me my coffee. We go to a park to sit and talk and I sip on my coffee. I intend to find out as much about vampires as I can while I have him here. 

We are in a secluded section of this park, close to a lot of trees. Edward looks around to check if any other humans are around. When he speaks up, I assume he has decided its safe to talk.

"You have questions." 

A statement, not a question. 

"Yes, I do. Starting off with how can you be outside right now? I thought any amount of daylight would burn you alive or something?" 

He chuckles softly, and responds. "I can't be in direct sunlight for a good reason, but I definitely will not suddenly burst into flames. " 

"Why can't you be in direct sunlight?" 

"Vampire skin is like diamonds. In the light, it shines. If any human were to see that, they would have proof vampires exist and the Volturi would kill me. " 

Oh. That would be really bad.


"I know you exist though, so won't these Volturi people come after you? " 

"No, they won't. Not yet. The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world. One of those laws keep us and you safe for 12 months. So they will not come after anyone until a year after yesterday, unless you go and tell another human. " 

That is interesting. They have their own rulers and everything. 

"Why twelve months? " 

Edward blushes a bit, and speaks softly. 

"Twelve months to either erase their memory, kill them, or bond with them. Bonding is forever, without question. If either party breaks the vow, they will die." 

Ohh... That must be what that book was talking about, the one with the roses. 

"Is that what the white roses are for?" 

He seemed shocked. 

"Yes, how did you know that?" 

"I read it in a book at school, in a section mostly hidden away." 

He doesn't say anything in response. 

"So, are there other things about vampires I should know? " 

"Yes and no. You don't need the information, but it may help you decide what you want to do. you already know about the bonding, and the diamond colored skin. Not only does it shine like diamonds, it's just as strong: Our skin is bullet-proof. Vampires can only be destroyed by being torn into pieces and burnt into ashes – things that can only be done by a vampire or werewolf."

"Okay, that makes sense. Wait. Did you say werewolves?" 

"Yes, I did." 

"Werewolves exist?!?" 

"Yes, they do Bella. Keep your voice down. We are still in a public park." 


Edward speaks again, continuing his explanation. 

" Vampires also have superhuman senses. We can run faster, smell and see better, balance easier, and feel much more than humans. " 

Woah. That is kinda awesome. 

"So your like superheroes pretty much." 

He seems to flinch at the comment. 

"Bella, we are not the good guys. " 

My heart rate speeds up.  I blink and suddenly we are in the forest nearby, my back against a tree and his hands on either side of my body. Trapping me. 

"Are you afraid?" He asks. 

I take a breath and my heart slows back down. If he wanted to, he and any members of his family could kill me before I could realize it. Well shit. 

"No I am not afraid. You won't hurt me." 

He stares down at me for a solid 3 minutes before speaking again. He huffs in frustration and backs away. 

"I hate that I can never tell what you are thinking." 

"Well duh, no one can do that." 


"They can't, can they?" 

Edward's smile returns to his face. 

"Yes, some vampires can. Just as Jasper controls emotion, and Alice seeing the future, I can read minds. Everyone but yours, that is." 

I can't help but ask. 

"Does Carlisle also have one of these powers?" 

He thinks for a moment. 

"If Carlisle was to have any ability, it would be superhuman control. He never loses control, and he has been the one to turn most of us into vampires. It is normally very difficult to stop yourself from drinking once you have started, but Carlisle does it as easy as breathing." 

"That is amazing." is all I could think to say. 

"What about blood? Do you go around killing humans or robbing blood banks to stay alive?"

He flinches a bit, and answers. 

"No, we do not. Vampires only need to feed twice a month to survive, and the entire cullen family only feed from animals. Not humans. That is also why our eyes are Golden. You will find that a vampire that feeds from animals only, has golden eyes and one that feeds from human only has red eyes all of the time. Now, as Carlisle did before, you can change that by thinking of human blood, but it is really a useless skill to have. If a vampires eyes are black, they are very thirsty. Emotion may also change it slightly, but normally not." 

This is all so much information at once. 

"Okay, I think I understand. " My coffee is finished, and I am starting to get a headache from all of this thinking. I need to relax and process all of this. 

"Edward, do you think you could take me to my truck now? I really need to sit down and think through all of this. I need to decide to keep these memories or not." 

He stands up, nodding. "Yeah, let's go." 

We go to the car and I barely say a word, running everything and vampires existing through my mind. At this point the moment me and Carlisle shared is pushed back into my mind, an afterthought compared to the fact that I am either going to 1. lose my memories 2. Die or 3. Decide to share my life with a vampire forever, in only 12 short months. Today's date is September 25th. I have until the midnight of the 24th next year to decide. If I refuse to decide, I will die. 

He drives a while and then I start to see the buildings of the school. My truck is untouched. He opens my door and we say goodbye. Those three options are still running through my mind, and its driving me insane. There is no way that 12 months is long enough to decide what to do with the rest of my life. 

Edward leaves, and I go home. Charlie is at work thankfully, and as soon as I am in my room I let my body fall onto the bed and I fall asleep. I am going to take  nap before thinking any more about vampires. 

Goodnight world.

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