“ARG! I COOK WHEN I’M NERVOUS OK?! NOW JUST STOP INTERRUPTING ME! THERE’S NO SECRET MEETING. I’M NOT MAKING SOME SORT OF LUNA DEBUT AND I’M JUST FREAKING OUT AND YOUR NOT HELPING AND I HAVE FLOUR EVERYWHERE AND-AND-AND…. I’M FREAKING OUT OF BUTTER!!!” by the time that train wreck comes out I’m practically panting and staring down a rather taken aback Jeff. I’m sure I’m sporting the crazy-eye look right about now. I steal a glace to the doorway off to the side and spot Jamie, eyes wide, concerned yet understanding. I plead with my eyes for her to get him out of here.

         “Jefferson you heard the woman! She’s out of butter. Go! Go! Go! Make yourself useful I’ll deal with this.” God I love Jamie. I awkwardly sniffle and smile at her probably looking like a deranged animal, as she takes control quickly dismissing Jeff and turning to me.

         “You wanna tell me what this is about Cam?” She takes her right hand and places it to my check using her thumb to gently brush away some of the mess.

         “I’m fine. Really. Your right about Jeff he can really get on your nerves.” I step out of her grasp and brush some more of my mess off my shoulders and hair before facing her with my last attempt at a smile. “He was just all in my space and wouldn’t stop talking and I…I just lost it I think.” Excuses, excuses. I need to get it together.

         “Beeeeeeep!! Beeeeeeeeep!” Jamie’s cut off and I make a made dash for my pie.

         “Hold that thought Jams I’ll be darned if I ruin this pie.” I’m about to unleash the precious desert from the oven when-

         “Here these might help.” I turn mid grab to be face to face with a pair of gloves, no wait oven mitts. Oops.

         “Thanks. Always looking out.” At last my little pride and joy is complete. I carefully set it on the cleanest section of counter to cool. Maybe I should look into cleaning up a little. Perhaps a good sweep would be a good place to start…

         “Cam? Sweetie?”

         “Hmm? Did you say something Jams? I was just analyzing how to best tackle this disaster.” I gesture around to the flour covered counters; dangerously slippery floor, and egg splattered, well-seasoned various other surfaces.

         “That can wait. I want to be sure your ok.” I open my mouth to brush off her concern. “I mean okay with everything that has gone on. The recent stuff, the not so recent stuff…the Austin stuff…all of it…so are you?”


         “Hey, go get cleaned up. Get your shit together. And meet me on the second floor balcony for some serious sugar and girl talk.” Jamie directs, saving me from an answer. I can’t help but stand there staring at her gathering all my cookies, pies, and pastries together. Its like I’ve been on autopilot since yesterday morning and I’ve just shut it off. Everything has just caught up to me. “Hey don’t be standing there watching me work, get to it. I wanna see you sparkle, and not because of the sprinkles.” She winks. “Now go! If your not out soon I’m gonna be coming in after you.” I manage a mangled chuckle watching Jamie try and nudge me out of the kitchen with her hips while balancing all the sweets.

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