Chapter 24

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I tried to look up at Jerome but my head was spinning now, and I let out a soft whimper as I let go of Rowan and gently pushed on him "Back up, I'm gonna be sick." I whispered as my head spun and my stomach churned. Rowan let out a whimper and nuzzled my neck gently as he moved a little ways away and shifted. I wrapped my good arm around my stomach, the nausea making me keel over and dry heave. Rowan pulled my hair back from my face and neck, gently rubbing my back. 

"Alpha Rowan, I'm Jerome, the Beta of the Silver Crest Pack's son. I know you're upset because she's hurt, but I'm here to help." Jerome moved closer as I dry heaved again and coughed. 

"What the hell is happening to me?" I asked, my voice hoarse and wheezing. 

"I don't know, but I'm going to try and fix it." Jerome said softly as he moved even closer and gently touched my shoulder, earning a small growl from Rowan. "I'm not going to hurt her, I would never." Jerome knelt next to me. 

"If you do, I'll kill you with my bare hands." Rowan threatened and took a small step back, giving Jerome a little space. 

"Alright, let's see what's going on with this bite." Jerome carefully inspected the bite marks on my shoulder, gentle as ever. After a while of looking and gently prodding, he stood up and pulled the other two aside, not even having to talk in low voices because I couldn't comprehend for the life of me. I felt like I was dying. 

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