Ignoring this, I followed right after him, the wall closing behind us, plunging us into darkness before Sam clapped twice. Light flooded into the room, showing his messy lab.

I paused for a moment to instinctively scan my surrounding before walking right after Sam. He stopped right before his glass computer, once again pressing his palm on its surface before it automatically turned on.

Standing in the middle of the room, and facing the glass computer, I watched silently as he pressed a finger on something before an image appeared to  occupy the entire screen.

Sam turned around and waved a hand over the image, "As you've seen before, this is your DNA."

I nodded at him. "Yes. And what is it that you were about to tell me?"

He frowned in confusion, raising his eyes to the sky as he thought about it for a moment.

"Oh... that", he pursed his lips, "I've got nothing new to tell actually", he added nonchalantly.

I hardened my blank gaze. "What?"

His pursed lips widened into a smile. "Just kidding!", he delightfully said.

"Then what is it?", I asked as my patience slowly thinned.

I wanted to know more about this mutation of mine and then sleep afterwards.

He raised both palms to calm me.

"I'll get to that, but first I have to explain to you more thoroughly about what I've found out from your DNA."

I was silent for a moment before nodding my head in understanding.

"Let's start from what I learned about cats from Google", he cleared his throat.

"Cats, along with quite a few more house pets, are known to have certain healing abilities. I've read that they make people happy which causes them to heal a bit quickly because of the positive vibe, and etcetera, but the information that caught my eye was the purr of the cat. Cats are said to purr 20 - 140 hz, and because of this steady vibration, they are able to promote bone health and even heal them."

He glanced at me, checking to see if I was still listening. Satisfied by my still blank look, he continued.

"Cats are long thought to be natural healers, with magical powers even. The powerful purr vibration emitted by cats has the strength to heal soft tissue damage, like muscles, ligament and tendon injuries."

He paused to frown before looking my way. "Now that I think about it, you having a gene like that from the panther, to which I have previously thought, wouldn't make sense since pantherine big cats, like lions and tigers, don't actually purr because their larynx only allow them to roar."

"So I'm not part panther?", I asked with a slight raise of a brow.

He nodded his head, "Though before you ask, I'm really not quite sure what cat you might have possibly obtained blood from."

I sighed, somewhat relieved that I didn't have the exact knowledge of which cat I had some blood from, thinking that not knowing would make this much more believable.

"Hm... now that I think of it, you may have the blood of a-"

I cut him off, not quite wanting to know the answer. "That's alright Sam, I don't need to know that."

"Tell me more about the purring you mentioned. How fast is mine?"

He shook his head, the light in his eyes darkening, "I have no idea. It's too fast for me to comprehend."

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