Teasing for Answers(X)Chapter 14

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You stayed in Wilford's room for around a half hour, thinking of what to do. I need more information, You thought. I need to know exactly what he intends on doing now and in the future. But how do I get that kind of information? I can't just walk up to him and go, "Hey, Wil! I need all of the information and secrets on what you're planning in the future. I expect you to give me every little piece of information that can help me end whatever you're planning, okay? Thanks, hun!". An idea then struck in your mind like a lightening bolt. Seduction and immense teasing. You cringed. It's the only way to do it, though.

You slowly trudged out of Wilford's room, slightly disappointed in the fact that you were going to use romance to get information. As you entered the living room, you noticed that Wilford was alseep on the couch. He must've stayed up last night texting Light. You smiled as the ship started sailing in your head. Just focus on the plan, You suddenly thought strictly.

You softly smirked before swiftly crawling on top of him. Once your hands made contact with his chest, his eyes fluttered open. He stared at you, puzzled as to what you were doing. Your smirk grew wider. Before he could say anything, you quickly bent your head down and started to lightly kiss his neck. His head slowly jerked back as a soft moan escaped his lips. You smiled, proud of the fact that you were achieving so far.

You traveled up and down is neck, making sure to tease him by kissing his collar bone. But you were soon interrupted by Wilford's low, raspy voice. "Why are you doing this?" He whispered. You stopped kissing his neck and quickly rose up your head. "You said that these three days are supposed to be fun, right? Then let's start the fun now." You chuckled while cringing in your mind. Wilford smiled wickedly before quickly shooting his upper body up forward and surprising you with a kiss. The kiss soon turned into a make out session. You both kissed passionately, obviously wanting more from each other. Before you knew, Wilford had picked you up bridal style and started carrying you to his room.


Once there, he gently placed you on the bed before unbuttoning his jacket. You just stare at him as he throws his jacket on the floor and goes straight to his next piece of clothing, his shirt. Once his shirt was off, he crawled on top of you. Before he could do anything, you quickly spoke in. "Wil?" You asked innocently. "What is it, baby girl?" He whispered. "Do you think I'm a good girl?" You, once again, cringed in your mind after speaking. He smirked before leaning down and whispering in your ear. "No, not at all. You've been naughty. But, i'll teach you to be a very good girl."

After he spoke, he went straight to your neck-where he almost instantly found your weak spot. You moaned and arched your back a little as he sucked and nipped at the spot. But the sucking and nipping suddenly turned into biting. He bit your flesh around four times before you felt blood drizzle down your neck. This is like some kind of vampire romance novel. You thought as you winced. The cut stung, but you stayed calm. Wilford chuckled before saying, "Sorry, sweetheart. I just think that you are so delicious." You were about to reply but was interrupted bu the feeling of Wilford's tongue licking up the dripping blood. "There. You're clean now." He whispered. You just smiled.

Wilford's hands then grazed down to the end of your shirt, where he slowly lifted it up and took it off of you. Once the shirt was off, he went down to your stomach and kissed it gently. As he did this, you carefully unclasped your bra and threw it onto the floor. The second you threw your bra onto the floor, Wilford went straight to your pants. He slid your pants of quickly and threw them onto the floor. He then did the same for your underwear. After he was done, he gazed down at your body. "Beautiful, yet fragile." He whispered. You slightly blushed. He just chuckled before pulling down his pants along with his boxers. The whole time he was doing this, you stared at his face, not wanting to see the "surprise" down below. After he was done, he threw his pants on the floor and spoke.

"Okay, listen closely. You obey me tonight. Every command that I wish for you to follow, you will follow. You will obey my rules, unless you want pain instead of pleasure-got it?" You nodded your head while keeping your eyes on his face. "Good. Now, rule number one, you will call me sir. Rule number two, do not moan until I tell you to. And rule number three...have fun." He smirked before bending down. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes." You whispered. "Yes, what?" He growled. You suddenly remembered the rules that he had just given you. "Yes, sir." "Good." He said before suddenly ramming two fingers into you. You arched your back up even farther and tried your best to keep in your moan.

He started off slow, slightly teasing you and making you even more turned on. But after a while, he sped up. As he sped up, you couldn't control yourself anymore. You cummed onto his fingers and let out a big moan. He slid his fingers out and stared at you. "I told you not to moan." He said darkly. "I-I know but-" You were cut off by Wilford slapping the side of your ass harshly. "Damn!" You hissed as your arched as far as it could. "Don't do it again." He demanded before sucking on his two fingers that still had your juices on them. You nodded your head as he slid his fingers out of his mouth and positioned his member at your entrance.

"Ready for the best part?" He asked with a tone of seduction. "Y-yes, sir." You stuttered. He chuckled before suddenly ramming himself into you. You shrieked in pleasure, which thankfully did not count as a moan to Wilford. He didn't start off slow at all. He went at a fast pace, causing you to pant heavily. It wasn't long before your cum practically explodes onto his member. His cum only came a couple of seconds afters yours. He stopped pumping and fell down onto the bed next to you. Do it now, You felt yourself remind you.

You calmed down your panting and turned towards Wilford. "Wil?" Your somewhat-still-out-of-breath voice whispered. Wilford looked over at you and smiled. "It's still sir, to you. But, anyway, what is it darling?" You rolled your eyes in your mind, but smiled back at him in reality. "Ok, sir. I have a question." You said. "What's your question?" Wilford asked. "Do you love me?" "Yes, of course." He replied. "Do you love me so much that you will tell me anything?" You asked. Wilford smirked before saying, "Yes". You smiled wider before asking the question that would hopefully give you all of the information that you needed. "Can you tell me what you're planning?"

It was silent for a couple of seconds. That was before you heard Wilford suddenly chuckle. "Did you really think that I would be so dumb and gullible to actually fall for your 'teasing' trick and tell you all of my secrets and plans?" Your smile faded away as you blushed in embarrassment. "B-but you said that spilling secrets comes with a price." You whined. He chuckled softly again. "Yeah, but I never agreed to tell you. You planned to secretly try to tease me to the point where I would give you answers to your questions. Well, looks like your plan smacked you in the ass and back-fired, literally too."

Before you could say anything else, Wilford wrapped his arms around you and pulled up the covers. "Now get some sleep. Tomorrow's your last day and I plan on spending every second of it with you." What the hell? You thought. You couldn't even think of anything to say. You were too shocked and surprised that he found out about your plan. You wanted to literally slap him multiple times across his face, but you didn't have the energy. Instead, you sadly followed Wilford's commands and closed your eyes-trying to fall alseep after what had just happened.


I'm really glad that I was able to get this done. I honestly was on fire after the last chapter and decided to go on a 'fanfiction spree' and make the next chapter. I hope this makes up for the long delay from the last two chapter :) Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. I want to give a big thanks to the person who has inspired me, kept me making chapter, and helped give me ideas for the last couple of chapters. That person is falloutassassin . She is very cool and I love her so much. Her comments always make my day and I am glad to call her my friend(hopefully she feels the same wayXD) Thanks again for reading this chapter!


Something Terrifying- Darkiplier X Reader- Third book to the "Something" series.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant