Aftermath(X)- Chapter 4

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You screamed and winced in pain. It has been at least an hour and a half. And Dark has been whipping you the entire time. The only time he stopped was after a half hour of whipping. He stopped so that he could take off your shirt. He kept your bra on but threw your bloody shirt on the ground. After that, he went back to whipping you to death.

Host just stood there, watching you scream in pain and begging for Dark to stop. Both Dark and Host kept evil smirks on their faces while they would chuckle occasionally. Occasionally meaning when you cursed or begged for them to stop. They didn't talk at all, either. They just enjoyed the show that they have created.

It felt like Hell to you. It was torture. The kind of torture that would make someone rather kill themselves then go through the pain.

Dark whipped you again, which made you scream obviously, before dropping the whip. A tear streamed down your cheek as you hung your head. You felt the rope loosen up until it finally released its grasp from your wrists.

You fell to the ground, literally. You lost all energy to stand up or even position yourself on your knees. You were laying on your chest and stomach, the only thing you could do was breath. Your eyes were now closed while your arms were sprawled out on the ground. The same with your legs. Your whole back was numb, yet in pain. The only thing that you felt like doing was killing yourself.

The pain was making everything harder. Breathing and moving was becoming a thing of the past as your heart started to slow down. You knew that you were not going to die because of just being whipped on the back multiple times. But you felt like consciousness might leave your body. You felt someone place a hand on your wounded back, which made you wince in pain. The hand moved away after a few seconds.

You opened your eyes and saw feet moving. You closed your eyes again as you felt someone pick you up and carry you bridal style. You let your feet, arms, and head dangle as you started to lose consciousness fully. All you remembered was you being in a lot of pain while being carried in someone's arms.

~Time Skip~

Your eyes shot open as you felt immediate pain to your back. You arched your back and winced in pain. You then quickly sat up and examined your surroundings. You were lying on your bed in your room. Everything seemed to still be in shape.

Suddenly, you heard people laughing. It was a little distant from your room, so you guessed that it came from downstairs. You decided to found out who was laughing and why. So, you slowly and carefully slid out of your bed.

You walked over towards your bureau, opened the first drawer, and grabbed the "Make-A-Wish" foundation Markiplier shirt, since you were still in your bra.

Before you put the shirt on, you turned around and looked at your back in the mirror. Your jaw dropped as you stared with wide eyes. Scratches. Everywhere. Dried up blood. Everywhere. Horror. Everywhere.

A tear strolled down your cheek as you turned back around. I am going to fucking kill Dark. You thought as you put on your shirt. You then ran out of the room and scurried down the hallway. You climbed down the steps and entered the kitchen, where you found the source of the laughter.

Dark, Ryan, and Matt were all sitting down on chairs near the counter. "So Mark, how are your migraines?" Ryan asked. Dark smiled. "They're better, Ryan. Actually, I haven't had one since this morning." Dark replied. Ryan nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee.

Dark suddenly looked over at you and smiled wider. "Hey, baby girl. How are you?" He asked. Both Ryan and Matt looked over at you and smiled. "I'm f-fine." You replied. Dark turned his smile into a grin as he patted his lap, meaning for you to sit down on him.

Something Terrifying- Darkiplier X Reader- Third book to the "Something" series.Where stories live. Discover now