Soon to be King(X)- Chapter 19

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Mark's POV

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck, this is all my fault!" I slammed my fists against the wall in the living room. "Why the fuck would I do this to her?!" I closed my eyes tightly and grinded my teeth in frustration. Where would she even be?! I screamed in my head. I suddenly let out a sigh and backed away from the wall. "I can't become frustrated..." I opened my eyes. I stared at the wall. All I could think about was her. Why was I such a jerk to her? I sighed again before thinking about where she might be. "Wilford could have taken her... Man, I'm such an idiot. He probably did take her..." I clenched my fists. 

How can I get to her? Should I just wait? "Yeah, Mark. You should just wait for your wife who was taken by a maniac man that loves her..." I mumbled. Then again, there's nothing that I can technically do... I thought of possibilities of contacting Dark somehow, but I didn't know how. For all I could do now is think and pray that my girl will make it out alive...

Y/N's POV (First Person POV)

I made my way downstairs in a long, black lace dress. I looked like a queen, I felt like a queen-but by heart, I will never be his queen. My hand lightly traced the golden railing before ending its journey and landing beside my figure. I femininely walked into the diner room, wavering my hips from side to side-might I add that it was catching many of the Ipliers' attention too. My lips were a dark shade of red as my eyes were darkened with a low, grey eye shadow followed by winged eyeliner and mascara. My highlighted cheeks made me look dashing by the most-of course the highlight was followed by a barely visible, pink blush. 

Upon entering the dining room, I noticed Wilford sitting on the chair opposite of the side I was currently on. He stared at me with his finger under his chin, observing me like a piece of cake that he ever so desired. My posture stayed straight as I sat down on the chair in front of me. "Gorgeous, might I say. But then again, I believe that you look gorgeous everyday." A smirk spread across his face as a forcefully rewarded his compliment with a smile. "So, why have you called me down?" I asked. His smirk seemed to stay as he spoke. "To discuss discipline..." He suddenly stood up, placed his arms behind his back, and started circling the table. 

"It seems like I should make strict rules, remembering what you did last year as inspired me to place harsher discipline upon you... Let's start off with rule number one: Respect, love, listen, and care for me. Easy. Rule number two: Treat Light like he is a second King, for he technically is. And rule number three..." I could feel his breath upon my neck from behind. "Do not even try to escape.. For I will capture you again and grant more rules upon you until you shatter into millions of pieces.. Got it?" I nodded my head quickly, not wanting to assess any further in the rules. He walked away from me and went back over to his chair-where he sat down formally. 

"Following along rule number two, you shall treat Light the same way that you treat me. Anything he says goes just like how anything I says goes too. Understand, Mistress?" I nodded my head again while looking down at the table, not wanting to meet eye contact. So, he's forcing me to love him? I thought angrily. I heard Wilford chuckle, which just triggered my nerves even more. I looked up at him with beating eyes. "I guess you could call it force." He had read my mind. I growled, not wanting to bare this bastard any longer. I suddenly calmed myself down, though. He said to obey the rules or else... I looked back down at the table. "Is that all, sir?" I asked quietly. He hesitated before replying with a simple, "Yes". I allowed myself to stand up and walk out of the room while still staring down at the ground. 

As I made my way to the staircase, I smirked. Forced to love him? I mentally chuckled as I walked up the stairs. I made it to the top and turned left down the hall, nearing closer to my room within each second. I soon entered my room, closing the door behind me gently. The lights were off, but in the right corner of the room, I noticed a figure leaning against the wall. The moonlight shone through the open balcony, revealing only half of the person's facial features. But I noticed who it was right away. The white streak through his hair gave it away. 

Something Terrifying- Darkiplier X Reader- Third book to the "Something" series.Where stories live. Discover now