Darling, I made the deal-Chapter 11

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"W-what the h-hell are y-you doing?" She struggled to get her words out. I slowly dragged the vial away from my mouth while staring at her. "I need to go." I replied sternly. More tears streamed down her cheeks. "N-no! No, you can't!" She started raising her voice. I hesitated before slowly bringing the vial back up to my lips. "No!" She yelled as she stumbled towards me. She looked weak. The way her body lazily thrusted towards me. I easily placed the vial carefully on one of the shelves next to me and backed up. As I planned, she tripped on her feet a little and fell forward towards me. I caught her before quickly kneeling with her still in my arms. 

"You look tired." I whispered as I placed a lock of hair that was in her face behind her ear. She nodded her head, which was in my chest. I slowly started to rub her back as I bent forward until my lips were next to her ear. "You'll see me soon. Until then, stay brave... I love you." I whispered before lying her down on the concrete ground. "Good luck." I heard Wilford say as I stood up. "Don't do anything stupid, Will. Especially hurting her." I said while grabbing the vial. I then quickly turned around to face him. "If you do that, then I will just have to snap your neck. Got it?" I added. He nodded his head slowly before smirking.

 "Of course I won't hurt her." He approved. "Good." I mumbled while putting the vial up to my lips. "Well, maybe only a little when we have sex." I almost dropped the vial from shock and anger. "Wilford, I swear to god." I said as my voice started to rise. "Kidding! I'm kidding." He quickly insisted while backing up before I could finish saying the rest of my sentence. I just rolled my eyes as I put the vial back up to my lips. "Weeellllllllll..." Wilford dragged out. I glared at him as Light sighed. 

"Will, just shut the fuck up and let Dark go back home." Light stated. I chuckled a little. "We may be different in many ways, angel, but we definitely think alike." I joked. Light laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess you're right, demon." He responded. I stopped chuckling before closing my eyes. I kept the vial there for a couple of minutes before finally pushing my head back and swallowing the 'oddly-enough-tasting-like-mint', white liquid. When I was done, I handed the empty vial back to Wilford.

 "Good luck, angel and sinner." I said as my body began to fade. "Good luck, demon." Light said as Wilford gave me a small nod. My body kept fading until I disappeared into thin air. I closed my eyes as I felt wind brushing past me. Once the wind was gone, I opened my eyes to see myself in front of a small village of houses. Houses that I recognized.

 "It already feels good to be back." I whispered to myself as I started to walk through the village. I already knew where I was going. It wasn't too far. The only thing that I have to try and ignore is social contact and- "Hey, look who's back." I heard an Iplier say. I growled as I started cursing in my head. I slowly looked over to my right to see... Glitch. He was leaning up against Doctoriplier's house. "What's up, demon?" He said as he started walking towards me. "Nothing. What about you, error?" I replied in an irritated voice. He chuckled as he started to circle me. 

"Same. So, what's a demon like you doing back so early?" Early? I knew that I was right. Wilford is planning something. And it doesn't just involve himself. "Why is there an error like you asking questions?" I threw back at him. He shrugged his shoulder while still walking around me. "Just wondering. I'm guessing that you already know that Wilford is planning something, right?" He asked. "Yeah, and all I need is you, so that I can beat you up and find out his plan." I responded confidently. He chuckled and crossed his arms. "What makes you think that you could be me up?" He asked. I gave him a look that read 'you've-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me'. He just rolled his eyes before he stopped walking. 

"Anyway, Wilford didn't tell me anything about his plan. The only thing he told me was that he was going to send you back soon. Also the fact that he will have Y/N for three days." I thought for a minute before responding. Glitch has to know more, that's a fact. Glitch is one of Wilford's closest friends, it's not like he would keep ANY secret from him. 

Something Terrifying- Darkiplier X Reader- Third book to the "Something" series.Where stories live. Discover now