Torture- Chapter 3

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You trembled in fear as Dark lowered his head. He placed his lips on your neck softly and started to kiss it softly. You moaned lightly. He than started to run his hand through your wet hair. It actually felt good. You closed your eyes and embraced his touch. His kisses would stay gentle at one moment but then become rough. It felt amazing as he went back and forth.

Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain on your wrist. You opened your eyes before trying to look over and see why you were feeling this pain, but Dark's head remained on the side of your neck, making it difficult to see your wrist.

The pain became more rough as he continued to kiss your neck. You could tell that Dark was smirking when you started yelling out in pain. This strange feeling continued for at least five minutes straight.

Finally, it was over. You had tears strolling down your face as you stared at Dark. He stopped kissing your neck before looking up at you with a wicked smirk on his face. You looked past him to see your wrist bleeding. In Darks hand held the weapon. A bloody knife. You looked back at him as he placed his hand on your cheek and swiped away the tears.

You kept shaking as he just smirked. He then chuckled before quickly bringing up his head. "Scared?" He whispered seductively. You were trembling too much to even say something, so you just plainly nodded your head slowly. He chuckled once again before crawling off of you.

Once he was standing up, Dark stretched his arms while saying, "Get up." strictly. You didn't even bother to hesitate. You quickly crawled off of the bed and placed your feet on the carpeted floor, still trembling in fear.

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. Both yours and Darks head jolted towards the door. "Y/N? Mark? You guys okay in there?" You heard Ryan ask. You looked back over at Dark as he stared at the door. A moment later, he replied.

"Yeah, Ryan. We're fine." You heard Ryan sigh in relief before talking again. "Okay... Oh, uh... I forgot to ask... Did you guys hear screaming to? It was about a minute ago and lasted for several minutes... Do you know where it came from?" He asked. Dark growled before answering. "Yeah, Ryan. I heard it. It was probably a little girl or something like that. Either way, Y/N and I are going to go to shopping. We won't be back until late. So, enjoy yourselves." You just stared at Dark with wide eyes as Ryan simply replied. "Okay, be careful, though." You heard footsteps slowly fading away until you heard nothing at all.

Dark looked over at you with a wicked smile plastered on his face. You both just stared at each other for several moments before Dark spoke. "Well? We're going shopping, right?" You stared at him with a confused expression on your face. "Well than, get changed!" He yelled.

You kept the confused expression on your face as you shuffled over towards your bureau and opened the top drawer. You scavenged your drawer until you found a My Chemical Romance Black Parade shirt with a pair of black high waist jeans. You closed the drawer and opened up the one beneath it to quickly grab a new pair of white underwear and black-lace bra.

You then walked over towards the bathroom. That was before the door suddenly closed. You stared at it, confused. Until you finally found out why it closed. You looked over at Dark, who had his arms cross and a smirk plastered on his face with his head slightly tilted to the left, with an annoyed expression on your face.

"What?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "Can I please get changed?" You asked. He chuckled. "Yeah, you can. In this room." He replied. "I meant in the the bathroom." You informed. "No, I want you to get changed in this room." Dark explained. "Then can you get out?" You asked with a ton of annoyance in your voice. "Nope." He said while popping the "p". "Than am I just going to get changed in here with you in the room?" You asked. His smirk widened as he nodded his head. A light blush dusted against your cheeks as you rolled your eyes and dumped your clothes on the ground.

Something Terrifying- Darkiplier X Reader- Third book to the "Something" series.Where stories live. Discover now