Frans P.O.V

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"Do you have any cats?" Frans asked, examining the lady closely.

She sneezed again. "No, but my nephew brought his home last weekend."

Frans smiled as he figured it out. An allergy was more common in older people anyway.

Just as he was about to give his diagnosis, he felt a sharp pain, piercing through his temples like a hot knife. He clenched his teeth.

I wish Frans were here. Why didn't I just call him?

Frans frowned. That was Violet's voice he heard in this thoughts. Why was her voice so frantic?

He struggled to keep the smile on his face as he talked to his patient. "Please give me a moment, while I refer your case to a consultant."

She nodded absently and he walked into the hallway. He had never used his telepathic ability to hear one person before. He did not even know if it could work, especially since he never heard Violet's thoughts unless she thought of him.

He clenched his teeth with the effort and concentrated hard. His mysterious headache intensified as he blurred out everyone else in the room, trying to find Violet.


He said her name over and over in his head, trying to shout in his mind. He felt like his head was about to explode.


He closed his eyes and imagined her; her gorgeous hazel eyes, that shy smile she gave him when she knew something she said was wrong.


He could hear her voice, as if weak with effort. He struggled to concentrate.

Where are you, Violet? Are you hurt?

He strained himself to hear her faint reply.

It's so dark here... I'm in Lab 23. I'm so tired...

Lab 23 was all the way across campus. It would take him nearly 10 minutes to get there. Nevertheless, Frans immediately got out of the hospital and began to run. His heartbeat matched the rhythm of his feet as he ran all the way to Lab 23, getting there in under 5 minutes. The door was jammed with a chair. He pulled it and flung it aside; kicking the door open.

The pungent, sweet smell hit him smack on the face. Undiluted chloroform seeped into his nostrils and already began numbing him. He quickly covered his nose with his shirt and went straight inside, heading for the blinds on the windows and flinging them open.

As light poured into the room, it illuminated Violet, lying under a bench.

"Violet!!" Frans cried out as he ran to her, pulling her from under the bench and into his arms.

He quickly carried her outside and set her on the cold cement of the sidewalk. Her breathing was labored but her pupils normally dilated. He breathed a sigh of relief. He needed her to stay awake for her to recover from the chloroform.

"Violet, listen to me," he urged as he shook her shoulder, making her grumble in pain. His eyes grew wide with alarm.

"Frans," she whispered, her voice tired. The sound of his name on her lips did strange things to his body. He sucked in a shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

She seemed lethargic and he ended up cradling her in his arms, walking straight to the infirmary.

"Frans..." she said his name like a lullaby. His heart sped up.

What is happening to me?

He finally got there and smiled at the nurse, who stood up at the sight of him.

"She's been poisoned with chloroform, for about 7 minutes. Her vitals are normal. Please administer NAC intravenously," he said as he laid her on the hospital bed.

"We need to change her out of those jeans, they look a little tight," she remarked and stared at him for a moment before she began to pull down Violet's pants.

Even though Frans had seen a naked cadaver and dealt with patients stripping for him every day, his cheeks still reddened ever so slightly and he turned away until he heard the papery sound of the hospital gown. He looked back to see her already on IV but sound asleep.

As he examined her, his eyes fell upon a scrap of paper on the floor.

Hmm... It must have fallen from her pocket.

He bent to pick it up and his eyes scrolled through the wordings. As he did so, he felt a strange feeling of nostalgia. It was as if he were reliving his father's memories again. Horrorstricken, he stared at Violet's figure, sleeping peacefully, her face calm.

Was this, the daughter of the man who committed such a crime to him?


Author note...

Hey guys!!! Thanks so far for reading this story and continuing the journey with me and Frans and Violet...

I hope you're enjoying the story so far

This story is dedicated to Rogomisha because she's an amazing friend i found here and omg she writes so well!!

Okay that's all for now. 

Vote or comment if you liked it!!

See ya in a few days!

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