Chapter 25

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"Even with my shirt against the wind,"

"They're gorgeous..." Jinmay muttered.

"Well that's Sueronians for you, they're always gorgeous." Amanda said, rolling her eyes.

"It's the only thing in my way." The singers sang as they rushed towards one side of the stage.

"I have finally realized," two of the many singers waved.

One was in gothic clothing with long dark black hair, while the other was wearing a school uniform and had two pink pigtails.

The group then rushed to the other side of the stage and waved to their fans.

"On how I feel about you!"

Mandarin blinked, it was very poppy and girly but it wasn't so bad.

"They're actually good." Willow breathed.

Brittany and Trent were silent before the two started singing along with the next line.

"From this moment I'll be honest,
And with this path that I've put myself on, I'll run towards it!"

The girls all continued to dance and sing along with the song, Trent hyped up as hell.

"They're even amazing in person!" He sighed as Brittany nodded.

Willow then noticed one of the girls who had blue hair with red streaks in it, alternative clothes like her, and a curved cat like mouth. She looked...awfully familiar.

"If you are in love," her voice was mixed with the others, but Willow felt she had a certain power to it.

"Then why don't you just say so? Let's not hide it, let's be true to ourselves." Brittany sang, copying the hand movements they were making as the others continued to watch and enjoy the concert.

"If you are in love, then why don't you just say so?" One of the other girls, who had dark green hair and elfish characteristics sang with the others before looking at Rosella.

"Aunt Emmy..." Trent muttered.

"Aunt Emmy?" Chiro asked.

"Trent's adopted aunt, her grandparents adopted her when she lost her parents." Willow explained.

"Man no wonder you're into this group so much." Sprx said.

"Then just be earnest and let it show!"

Then the stage spliced as different members were placed on different sides of the pit. Some rose up , some went down, and some went to different sides.

"I've been waiting,
I've been waiting,
I've been waiting, yes!"

One of the girls, who had bright red hair, dark skin, and was very pretty, blew a few kisses to the audience. It caused a few male audience members to swoon.

"I've been waiting,
I've been waiting,"

"I've been waiting!" Trent breathed.

"Yes!" Brittany cheered.

"To meet you!" The blue haired girl sang along with the others and Willow still couldn't stop watching her.

Why was she so familiar?

"I've been waiting!"

Loud cheers were heard as small ships started flying menacingly towards the concert. Willow saw this and stood on the rock.

"Those ships...they're Sueronian hunter ships!" She exclaimed, noticing an insignia of a heart with angel wings with a slash through it.

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