Is War Over...?

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I hope you like this chapter. I have school so I won't update or post a lot as usual. But I will try to post a lot or make chapters long. I hope you enjoy this chapters and the others.

Baby P.O.V

" Ugh..." I felt my body burn. I felt my plates on my face open. I felt some of my wiring on face were cut and sliced. I moved my fingers around my face. Then I pushed down on a bruised spot. " Ow..." I moaned. Then I secured the room to see if anyone was there. I wondered where I was. The lights flickered. I knew where I was. When me and Ennard first met it was in here. The door was locked though. I then saw a vent. It only had some bolts on it. I had to find a small enough object to fit in it or something to pull it off with. I looked around the room to find an item. I saw a small glass shard near puddle of oil. I heard footsteps this way so I quickly rushed and opened the vent. I scattered down deep into it. The abyss slowly turned grey.
I slammed down and fell.

Ballora P.O.V

I pushed Baby into a room with a sign that says " Do not enter!" Then I locked the door. I went into my gallery. I looked at the wall of art. It was just pictures of drawings that fans of mine did. I saw one that had me and Baby holding hands. It had the these words labeled at the top " Best Fruiends!" I looked at the spelling mistake. It was a kid's writing because  it was made by crayon and it had a spelling errors. Then looked at the drawing and looked at the words. I sighed and smiled. Then I remembered Baby trapped in the small room. I rushed over to it then I felt a sense that someone was following me. I kept on going. I tried to unlock the door, but I need a key. I had kept it under a party hat that was on the table. I heard the footsteps tapping closer. I unlocked the door. She was gone, disappeared, vanished anyway you can describe it. I opened my eyelids no one was there and I saw a vent. It was unlocked. I went through it. I then felt cold, but soft hands pull me back.

Ennard P.O.V

Me and the Bidybabs were stalking Ballora. I saw her staring at drawing with her eyelids open. I questioning why she didn't rip it or stab it. Then we saw her running off. We tiptoed so she couldn't hear, but the Bidybabs have metal, but I slightly have soft feet. She glanced at me then kept on rushing. I only saw her open a door. We sprinted over to her. I pulled her back. I was about to hit, but she blocked my attack. She then yelled " Stop!" I slowly pulled my arm back.
She went into the vent and pulled my hand in guiding me. The Bidybabs crawled along.

Baby P.O.V

I fell off of something then landed onto the hard ground. I felt my body getting sat down. I opened my eyes. Lolbit was repairing my cuts, slices, and slashes etc. I looked up at some computer and televisions. I saw her watching My Little Pony. I heard thump, thump, thump through the vents. Ballora almost fell, but I heard a similar voice yell " Stop!" It was Ennard.
I felt my eyes shut and body power off.

Ballora P.O.V

I climbed down from the vents and the others did too. I held Ennard's hand still. He jerked away in disgust. I notice I still have feelings for Ennard. I went over to Baby and asked Lolbit if she was okay. She nodded. I was relived. If Baby wasn't okay Ennard would kill me. He was still a little um... Twitchy I could say. Then Lolbit looked at a clock. She put one finger up. She was showing we only had one hour left. I held onto Baby. But Ennard pulled her away from me and carried her. I felt kinda down. No one trusted me. I don't have much friends now.

Sorry if you didn't like this chapter. I hope you smiled at it at least. Well thanks if you enjoyed it and read it. Hope to cya soon! :)

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