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I hope you enjoy this. I appreciate if you read this. 😺
Ballora P.O.V

I finished dancing for children. Children hugged me and said goodbye. They didn't notice my hands had stiches. Funtime Foxy gave me some stitches since I... Cut myself with a knife.
The last kid that left had went up to me and gave me a picture. It was old I could tell by the dust of a pencil that was on it. It had some rips. I appreciated it and said " Thanks young one! Bye-Bye for now." The child said bye. I grinned and taped the picture onto the wall of art.
I heard a shadow walk slightly fast though a hall. I peeked to see who it was. I thumbed my fingers on the wall to see if anyone would notice. I heard " Huh? Who is there?" It was Ennard. I tried to hide. He knew I almost killed Baby. He saw me. He then put tape over my mouth and tied my hands together and my feet. He then grabbed me. I tried to screamed to get someone's attention. No one heard. He dragged me to a room. I then saw it. Oh no...

Baby P.O.V

I heard muffled screams. It sounded like Ballora. I saw a door opened and I peeked. I saw
Ennard pulling Ballora's hair. He saw me. He said " Leave Baby. Now!" Ballora said " No please! NOT THE SCOOPER!!!" I heard small tiny footsteps this way. I yelled at Ennard " Stop let go of her!" Ennard's eye twitched. Her Minireenas came in. The Minireenas attacked Ennard. They started pitching, and punching, scratching, attaching onto him. He kicked them off making the Minireenas power off. I tried to pull Ennard's hand off of Ballora's hair. He then carried her. Ballora kicked. Nothing happened. Ballora hit and punched. Nothing happened. She even tried biting, but nothing happened. Ennard rushed. Ennard said " STOP!!! She almost killed you! Why do you want to save her?!" He then pushed Ballora on a conveyor belt and pushed the green button. Then clicked speed to fast. He sprinted through the halls into a room.

Ennard P.O.V

I ran into a door that says employees only. I then pushed some buttons for it to work. One turned on. Then I clicked one button that had a warning beneath it. A claw reached out and I closed my eyes... Snapped 1... 2 ... 3 times. I opened my eyes. Baby witness it and the Minireenas did too. I saw her pieces scattered across the floor. I saw Baby run up to Ballora's remaining body. She cried and a small puddle of tears were underneath her. The Ballora's endoskeleton has twitched and move and one of her eyes was cracked on the ground. She couldn't talk well. Baby looked up at Ballora. Baby smiled at Ballora. Ballora frowned at her. Baby looked confused. I ran out of the room. I hugged Baby. Then Baby pushed me away.

Baby P.O.V

I felt Ennard hug me. I pushed him away. I know Ballora kinda, well almost killed me, but I don't want any of my friends getting more hurt. Ballora stared at me and her eye twitched. I didn't understand. I said " Ballora we could put you back together. I know Funtime Foxy and Lolbit co-..." She cut me off and said " Y-You st-st-started this. Y-You did th-this to me Baby. If you weren't alive I c-c-could have Ennard and n-not look l-l-like old p-piece of s***! THIS I-IS NOT OVER B-BABY!!!" I then felt a feeling inside of me to just shank Ballora in the neck right now. She then walked off giggling. I looked at Ennard then hugged him. He whispered to me and said " It's okay."

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this. Love you! ^~^

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