Chapter 5

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here you go sweet hearts xxx


Chapter 5

A man's voice is muffled in Niall's ears. He can't quite understand what he's saying. Maybe because he is still waking up, or because this man is using long sophisticated medical terms in his phrases. Either way, it isn't comprehend-able and he's too focused on opening his heavy eyelids to care.

Niall whines when the light from the ceiling cracks his skull open. Kind of, but not really. The two doctors are staring down at Niall with a concerned and observing look over their faces.

“Well hello, Mr. Horan. Nice to finally see you awake.” the familiar doctors says quietly. Niall looks back and forth between the two nervous faces and blinks.

“What... What do you mean by that?” Niall asks groggily. His heart suddenly leaps when he realizes he has spoken without a stutter. But when the men give him a sympathetic look, the happiness fades in an instant.

“You have been in a coma for a month.” the doctor finally tells him calmly, the way all doctors do when they give you shit news. “You over worked yourself and your body shut down.” Niall's gut falls to the floor. He has been asleep for 30 days... Okay. No big deal, right?

His stomach grumbles.

“I'm hungry. Where's Liam. Tell him to bring me a bagel and some fruit.” the doctors give Niall a funny look before one turns to wave the other off.

“Before we get any food in you, I'm going to perform a physical examination. I'll be quick so you can eat.” he smiles and pulls Niall up into a seated position. Niall's head throbs roughly like it does frequently, he hisses and pinches his eyes shut, masking the pain. This damn stupid doctor. “How’s your head?”

“Just perfect.” he replies sarcastically, glaring fire at the man.

Liam is happy to see Niall awake, and the faux-blond swears there are tears in Liam's eyes, though he denies it until Niall shuts up about it. And they don't talk about Harry because Niall chooses not to. For once he didn't want to think or speak of the boy. So they left it unsaid.

One painful week drags by and Niall still avoids all conversation connecting to Harry and it seems to get easier day by day. But not really. Niall asks Liam multiple times if Harry visited after visitation hours like the boy had done before, but Liam's answer is no every time, although Niall can't help but wonder. Liam has lied in the past. The young therapist claims that Niall's recovering faster than ever, Niall's only reasoning to that is; no Harry.

But as much as Niall pretends he doesn't, he does think about Harry 100% of the day. He wishes he wouldn't, but it just happens.

“What would you do if Harry came in to see you?”

Millions of answers pop into Niall's head immediately when Liam asks this for the third time. Niall doesn't answer though; he stays quiet like the last two times and hopes Liam is smart enough to take the hint.

“Because he's coming to see you.” Liam states boldly. “and you're going to behave this time.”

Niall scoffs after he pulls himself back together; he pretends he doesn't hear the first part. “I fucking behaved last time, Liam! He was the one who didn't 'behave', he was the one acting like his life was over, when it is clear as hell my life is the one that's gone to shit!” Niall shouts. He's isn't sure why he's been so angry lately. Maybe because he hates the world for getting his hopes up just to kick them into the dirt. Maybe because Harry should have been the first person he saw the moment he opened his eyes. Harry should have been there helping him recover, and comfort him all throughout the day when he needed comforting most.

Book#2 - NARRY - Don't Doubt The Life InsideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang