Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Niall opens his eyes the next morning and Harry is kissing his lips softly.

"Morning beautiful." Niall says lowly through the husk of his morning voice. Harry pulls away and smiles at the older boy.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Harry asks thoughtfully.

"Great." Niall stretches his arms and legs a little as Harry backs away into a chair. "How about you? Are you settling into Liam's house well?"

Harry almost lets his smile drop. "Yep." he lies.

"That's good." Niall hums contently and closes his eyes. "I knew Liam was a good choice."

"Yeah..." Harry sighs. Niall peeks one of his eyes open and furrows his eyebrows.

"What is it? Did Liam do something?" Niall ask worriedly, sitting up quickly to reach out to Harry.

"No, no. Everything's fine. Just hard to fall asleep at night. I miss you." Harry lies, mostly anyway. Niall smiles sadly at Harry and motions for the boy to come lie down next to him. Harry swallows and falls into the bed next to his chair.

Niall pulls Harry's head onto his chest and he cards his fingers through Harry's curls carefully, picking loose some small tangles.

"Y'know, the doctors mentioned something about releasing me in two weeks. I'll get my parents to fly back over here and open up the pub again and maybe this time we can live together? So you wont have to miss me." Niall says softly.

Harry's heart rises into his throat because dear God, he wanted that. Suddenly two weeks sounded like centuries away.

"I'd love that." Harry sobs out, uncontrollably.

"hey, hey. What's wrong?" Niall questions, pushing every strand of hair off of Harry's flush face. "you really miss me that much? You do see me everyday you know..." Niall tries laughing quietly to ease Harry's nerves.

"Yeah, I guess I do..." Harry says through his tears.

"Love you, baby..." Niall presses his lips to Harry's creased forehead.

"I love you too." Harry barely whispers out.

The day runs through as it normally does, Liam stops in every 2 hours or so, a nurse comes in around lunch and checks Niall's monitors and I.V, and Harry stays by Niall's side every minute of the hours they are allowed to see each other. Then, just like any other day, Liam comes into the room 20 minutes before visitation hours are over and he puts Niall to bed and takes Harry home. And when Liam and Harry return to the house Harry runs to the guest room and buries himself under the thick sheets willing himself to stay awake to keep guard of a certain someone entering his room.

This is the exact routine Harry has for a week straight, that is until Liam gets asked to stay over night at the hospital to look over a new patient he'll have once Niall is gone.

Liam drives Harry back to his house and drops him off despite the boys desperate begs to stay with Liam at the hospital. Harry drops the topic when Liam begins to get suspicious.

"It's okay Harry. You won't be alone. Bee will be in the house the entire night. You're fine." Liam reassures him without really making anything better.

"See you tomorrow morning?" Harry asks sadly.

Liam smiles and kisses Harry's head before letting him out of the car.

Liam drives away and Harry stares at the house's front entrance, wondering if he'll live if he slept on the driveway.

Harry enters the house seven minutes later, his body shaking. He pulls off his shoes silently and drags his feet up the stairs, trying not to whimper.

Book#2 - NARRY - Don't Doubt The Life InsideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang