Chapter 21

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Niall and Harry may have gone inside and screamed and danced to Liam chanting that there pretty much husbands, or maybe they didn't. Either way Liam was too depressed and drunk to realize any of it or how Niall and Harry were dry humping and snogging each other's faces off right in front of him.

“You're mouth tastes like cherry,” Niall groans between kisses.

“I had a red lolly, made my lips red and puffy,” Harry moans back.

“I'm dumb.”

“You're not,” Harry tells him.


The ring was just a quarter inch thick band of pure silver, but it was so drop dead gorgeous it made Niall want to cry a little.

“Harry,” he asked, “how much did these cost you?”

Harry's cheeks tint pink and he shrugs a little.

“I didn't have time to really save up a lot for it, I guess I probably should have spent more right, but like, it was like 87 pounds together, for the two of them.”

“Babe,” Niall sighs. “I'm not going to tell you that you didn't spend enough, because honestly, you could have made to rings out of paper and I'd still be just as happy with it...well...okay, I appreciate these a lot more then paper obviously but you get what I mean right? Money doesn't matter. I love you and we're husbands... oh, and the whole point of me asking the price was because I'd like to pay for your ring,” Niall finishes.

“Like, I pay for yours, you pay for mine?” Harry asks.

“Yeah, is that okay?”

“You really don't have to, Niall, it's totally fine.”

Niall smiles and shakes his head. “I want to, I can't let you buy your own wedding ring.” he rolls his eyes. “gosh Harry,” he jokes.

“How about... you do something else for me?” Harry bites the inside of his cheek.

“What do you have in mind?” Niall let out an excited, bubbly laugh.

Harry's face brightened.

“Like...I saw this thing at the mall and I didn't want to buy it with anyone but you around because, you know...” Harry emphasizes the last two words greatly.

Niall doesn't really catch on to that, so he just kinda looks confused and nods very slowly.

“It was a, like- I think it was a nightie? I don't know the proper name, I just- it was red and frilly. I really liked it, and I mean, I think you would too...” Harry batters his eyelashes non-purposely. It sends some type of pleasure bursting in his chest.

Niall just falters at the image of Harry in more woman's lingerie. “Honestly Harry... you think I could say no to that?”

The shopping trip took an hour the next day, but it only felt like 10 minutes.

Before Niall could process what was happening, Harry is running into the store, buying the clothing, and sprinting back out, being sure to hind the bag from all living beings. Including Niall.

The older lad hasn't actually gotten to see the thing, up until Harry is peeking out from around the bathroom door asking if Niall was ready.

It's not like Harry hadn't done this before. He had modeled his lingerie many times for Niall; he should be used to it by now. But Harry is Harry, Niall supposes.

“Yes I am, I swear, if you don't get you're tiny arse out here this instant, my balls will fall off-,”

Harry leaps out and does a full 360, letting the transparent drapes from the bra flail outward. Niall drags his eyes all around Harry's body, taking in every different bend, curve and crevice on his beautifully perfect body. Niall loves the way Harry's hipbones were defined and the way the red panties bulge outwards at the front, reminding him of how dirty all of this really was.

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