Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It happens again the next night too.

Harry wakes up and whacks Niall's bare back in the process, waking him up as well. Harry had gotten another nightmare and this time it seemed worse. He was sweating, trembling excessively and his face seemed deathly pale.

Seconds after Niall feels the smack at his back, he groans and squints to look at Harry.

The frightened lad was staring in depth at the wall on the other side of the room. He was quietly muttering out Niall's name repeatedly through a shuttering breath. It was like Harry had just witnessed some big bloody assassination of his entire family, or someone had told him how the world would end, or that a zombie invasion was coming. Harry is sitting and staring like a deer in headlights and it was sort of freaking Niall out.


Niall sits up and wraps him arm around Harry in a side hug.

“He's coming, Niall. He's coming to kill us tonight. He- he told me he'd kill you and make me watch, then he'd kill me. we- we are going to die, Niall. Die,” Harry says lowly in a deep breathy tone.

Harry must be in some kind of trans. Maybe he's still asleep.

“Harry, sweetheart, you need to wake up, you're talking in you're sleep. C'mon, let's get you some water.”

Niall kisses Harry's cheek and gets off the bed, then walks over to Harry's side. He takes Harry by the elbows and guides him onto his feet. Harry is still shaking and whimpering but he walks with Niall to get a glass of water from the sink.

Harry ends up drinking the whole cup. Niall makes him go pee after and they make it back to bed successfully. Niall doesn't know whether Harry is actually awake or not after they settle back into the warm bed, he's quiet and a bit calmer but it's hard to tell if he's still sleep walking or not.

“Niall,” Harry asks once the light is off and they are both lying down again. “You awake?”

Niall leans up on one arm.


“I- are you... can I tell you something?”

Niall thinks Harry sounds awake again.

“Sure baby,” he replies.

“I had a bad dream,” Harry says quietly.

“Did you?” Niall asks, even though he is fully aware of the answer. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

Niall shifts his body closer to Harry's and tucks his boyfriend snug against him, holding him in his arms.

“Yeah, a little...” Harry pouts.

“Tell me, love.” Niall presses his lips to Harry's temple and rests them there.

“U-um, well... we, me and you, we were walking home from somewhere- I don't remember, maybe like a restaurant I think- and you took us down an alleyway and... a... bad guy was in the alley and he – he told me he'd kill us – like, you first, then me.” Harry closed his eyes with a uneven breath and coward into Niall's cozy body.

“Was this 'bad guy' someone we know?” Niall asks, lifting his mouth from Harry's head and smoothing Harry's hair back with the palm of his hand.

“Um, he- well, he was... no.”

“Please don't lie...” Niall asks in a slightly begging voice.

“The bad guy looked like your brother kinda... I'm sorry, I guess I'm just still scared. I don't know.”

“Don't be sorry. You have every right to be scared of him. Because of what he almost did to you. What you saw that night. I guess I'd be scared too,” Niall says in attempts to comfort Harry.

“You're not scared of him?” He whimpers.

Niall doesn't know how to reply to that. Of course he should be frightened by Greg, from what he did to him, but Niall wasn't scared and he felt like he had no reason to be. Greg seemed different now, he realized it was wrong what he had done, and that it was a mistake for Niall to be the one bashed. Greg was drunk and mad and confused. It's not like it would happen again.

“Well, no, Harry... I talked to Greg the other day and he-,”

“You what?!” Harry interrupts loudly, sitting up abruptly.

“I went to Greg's house to talk and he's sorry. He regrets what he did to me and he's taking the consequences he was given and doing his community service work,” Niall reasons. “He won't do it again, so it's kind of dumb to be scared.”

Harry's hands turned into fists in the sheets and his jaw clenched tight.

“You obviously do not understand what he did to me... He ruined me, Niall. I can't sleep at night, I see him during the day when he isn't really there! Every single night in my nightmares, he's either threatening our lives or knocking you to the ground with that goddamn baseball bat all over again! Niall, you don't know what it's like to have someone bleeding to death in your arms!” Harry takes a deep breath. Niall knows to stay quiet and let Harry finish, but either way the lump in his throat wouldn't let him speak anyway. “You were the only one who cared about me. I was homeless before you, I lost my family, my home, my friends, my- my everything! You were my life and that night I was so scared to lose you because it would have been like losing everything all over again. I would have had nothing. So I held on hoping it all wouldn't go back to days and nights in that abandoned park. I held on through the nightmares and night terrors and the constant reminder that my everything was on the line. Niall, the past few months has just been fear. Maybe I actually was good at hiding my paranoia – I don't know - but I've been scared, terrified, ever since that night, and I have every right to be! so- so don't you dare think it's stupid.”

Harry was in tears. He was sobbing and there was snot leaking from his nose but obviously he didn't care. He was angry and god, he wanted to let that out for a while now.

“I think I'm going to sleep on the couch. I-...” Harry pauses. “Goodnight, Niall.” Harry throws the covers off of him and pads out of the room sniffling and wiping his nose.

Niall knew that Harry needed his space. So he let him leave the room without any protest.

Niall didn't fall back to sleep until an hour later. Harry's voice just ran through his head as heavy as gallons of water being thrown on him at once. He tried to ignore it but he knew that Harry wasn't lying. Niall just didn't like the thought of how Harry had been suffering for so long without him even knowing.

How could Niall have been so oblivious?


soooo most of you were right.... it was greg in harry's dreams.

i dont really have time for an authors note because im off to school in a few minutes!!!



thank you all for reading!! i love you. :)

~emilou xxx

Book#2 - NARRY - Don't Doubt The Life InsideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang