Chapter 20

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Lets pretend i didn't try editing this at 10:30 at night when ive been up for 18 hours.

okay so wow bam kazam mistakes.



Chapter 20

Liam tries to stop Niall from running inside. Niall needed to cool down before he did, it could have just been some kind of misunderstanding. But Niall gets out of Liam's reach before the older man could do anything about it and he's running towards the pub entrance with determination.

The blond boy shoves open the door and the two younger boys whip their heads around to look at Niall.

Niall doesn't know what to say. He can't find words.

"Who's this guy?" the stranger asks.

Harry doesn't speak. He's like a deer in headlights. Unmoving. Silent. Shocked.

"Harry?" Niall finally whispers out.

"Niall, this..." Harry stands up and almost trips over himself to get to Niall. "I- Niall, don't freak out. Please. I'll open the pub back up. Don't be mad." Harry pleads, holding the sides of Niall's arms.

"Who's this?" Niall asks quietly. He isn't mad anymore. Just disappointed, really disappointed.

"Daniel, or erm, Danny. I buy my head scarfs from his grandma's store. We go way back." Harry explains, looking less and less afraid.

"Okay...why did you close the pub?" Niall glances over to Daniel, Danny, whatever.

He's hot. Young and fit. Blond, blue eyes. Muscular, attractive, young.

"No one was here anyway, and I wanted some alone time with him. You know, to catch up. I'm sorry." Harry grabs Niall's hands and brings them up to his lips.

"Alone time..." Niall says with a flat tone.

Harry freezes then his eyes widen again. He drops Niall's hands from his. "Not like that! no. Gosh no. Just talking, I swear." Harry looks to Daniel for help.

"Mate, no need to worry. I'm a friendly face." Danny smiles. This kid's beautiful, what the hell.

"See," he presses. "I love you, Niall. Only you and always you." Harry promises.

And it's like Niall finally breathes out.


"Come sit with us man, I was just tell Harry about some college stories." Daniel greets.

Niall doesn't get to answer because Harry is already pulling Niall over to the table.

So, Danny was a threat.

He was funny, fit, smart, filthy rich, in college, nice, and most importantly he was gay. He liked boys.

He was just like Niall, just younger and better in pretty much every single way.

After, just Niall and Harry head upstairs, Niall wants to make it very, very clear to Harry that he doesn't like Danny and that he doesn't want Harry hanging around him, but he knows that would crush Harry's spirits to ruin the new friendship so he stays quiet.

Anyway, it was good for Harry to have a friend his own age. Right?

The next day, Harry asks to have the day off.

"Um, why?" Niall deadpans.

"Because," he sings. "I'm hanging out with Danny." Harry sips milk from his cereal bowl with a small sheepish grin over his face.

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