Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry's mouth works sloppily over Niall's erection and he grips the back of Niall's thigh with one hand while the other is around the base of his shaft. Harry purposely gathers a small pool of saliva onto his tongue and spreads it along any dry spots he can find.

As Harry mouths away at Niall, the Irish man does everything in his power to shun any urges to grip the sheets beside his hips or Harry's dark brown curls. He's frightened of being caught in that type of pain and losing the fiery arousal in the pit of his stomach, letting all of Harry's very hard work go to waste.

Harry takes Niall fully into his mouth and pulling off just to the tip, looking up at Niall through his lashes. Niall tries not to throw his head back and moan obscenely; instead he sends Harry the best smile he can form at the moment.

Harry slicks Niall up a little more before stopping abruptly mid-bob. Niall pulls one of his restless hands to Harry's cheek to guide the boy off.

"What is it, Haz?" Niall questions, thumb brushing back and forth along his cheekbone.

"I found another problem." Harry states, a worried expression formed with his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

Harry licks over his lips slowly and his eyes flicker to Niall's. "Um, a condom... we, like, need that don't we..?" Harry wonders. Niall bites his lip for a moment, thinking, then shakes his head promptly.

"I'm, y'know, clean. And You... you are too?." Harry nods without hesitation. "So unless you have some he-she business going on inside you, you shouldn't be able to get pregnant, so... you wanna go without protection this time?" Harry grins and giggles straight away. In no time at all Harry drips one last tear of spit onto Niall's dick and pulls his body up onto his knees and shimmies up over Niall's groin.

"Should I ride you?" Harry asks shamelessly. Niall thinks his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"God, yes." Niall groans. Harry swallows and bows his head slightly while reaching around in front of himself, past his stiff shaft. The younger boy takes hold of Niall's slick erection and lines it up with his entrance. Harry blows a lung-emptying huff of air over Niall's face from a distance and bites his bottom lip roughly.

Niall watches Harry intently, gaze burning the place where they were about to connect. He looks at the way Harry's thigh muscles tighten under his thin flesh as he lowers himself down and the way Harry's jaw fell loose in pleasure at the feeling of being filled, even without a hand indulging his hard-on.

"Oh." Harry gasps and he falls forward, catching himself with a hand on Niall's creamy white chest.

Niall holds his breath for way too long as he tries to handle how tight Harry is around him and how Harry's saliva coat seems to be evaporating by the seconds.

"Harry, babe, pull off if it's too much." Niall instructs breathlessly, grasping at Harry's hip gently, in attempts to guide the boy.

"It's burning a lot but it's... fine. Don't wanna stop." Harry voice rumbles in his throat and his bum presses down to Niall's slim hips.

Niall clenches his jaw and swallows a moan back down. He doesn't want to feel good if Harry hurts. And it makes him feel sick as he sees Harry's penis slowly fall flaccid.

Harry falls forward onto Niall causing them to be chest to chest. Harry winces as he begins to swirl his hips and he reaches down between their bodies to tug helplessly at his limp member to numb the pain.

"Harry, stop. Not like this. To dry." Niall pants, placing his flat hand onto Harry's shoulder blade to stop the boy's motions.

"God, sorry." Harry whispers, beginning to lift off. He whimpers pathetically half way up and his thigh quiver beside Niall's hips.

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