Chapter 3

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i can't get the alternate covers up, i do apologize for that gurls. they were absolutly lovely tho :) xxx


Chapter 3

Maura comes into the hospital the next day and she is playing with Niall's hair as he wakes up.

“Good morning, darling.” Niall smiles tiredly and mumbles 'hi'. “I had a word with Liam, he said you were doing very well.” she says softly.

“Y-yeah... Well, Liam is a liar.”

Niall knows if Liam were in the room he would have protested with a roll of his eyes and his middle finger.

“Niall. Don't be so rude. He's helping you. Be thankful.” his mom's strict, angry tone seems to be familiar. They way she use to talk to him, when she rarely did as he was young. It make Niall sick to think about back then. He swallows and nod with an apology. It stays silent for a while and Niall feel uncomfortable by it.

“Hey m-mum, have you t-talked to Harry about coming to s-see me?” Niall asks hopefully. Partly because he was desperate to break the silence, but mostly because he does want to know. The second she smiles sadly, Niall has a gut dropping feeling over run his stomach.

“I did speak to him, love. But...” she pauses and pulls her hand from Niall's hair, setting it in her lap.

“What, mum?” Niall asks urgently. “But w-what?”

“He... didn't look too good. He's missing you so much. He's a crying wreck.” She admits. The tinkle of sympathy glimmering in her eyes basically tells Niall how broken Harry was. “When I called to tell him I was coming over to speak with him, he asked if I could bring one of your unwashed shirts... the entire time he cradled it like a new born child and sobbed into it like... I don't know. The poor thing is lost without you-”

“B-but he refuses to come see me...” Niall finishes slowly. He clenches his jaw angrily and he just wants to punch things, knowing no other way of expressing how frustrated he feels all the time.

“No... not exactly... I told him that you don't even remember what happened so it was impossible for you to be angry with him.” Maura grabs Niall's hand and rubs her thumbs over his wrist bones to sooth his obvious nerves. “I could tell he considered it, or at least he was thinking about it. He told me that your probably better off never seeing him, but I could tell he thought about it, so he might, baby. Just wait a while for him to come around. He's gone through a lot.”

She kisses Niall's cheek and tells him that she flying back to America with Bobby in a couple of days and that she probably wont have time to see him after this visit. So they talk for a while until Liam enters the room with two plain bagels, when Maura decides its a good time to leave.

Niall couldn't get his mind off Harry. It's was idiotic actually because he really should be focused on recovering but no, just HarryHarryHarry running through his mind constantly. And what happened to me? Who hurt me? What happened? Those questions came around a lot too. The asked himself many, many times before; why wont Harry see me, what did he have to do with anything? How is Harry involved.

A lot of questions. No answers.

Niall rants to Liam for a few hours about how angry he is at Harry for avoiding him and how much he is hopelessly in love with the younger boy and that he won't live another day without seeing the boy. Niall knows what he's saying is kind of bullshit and a little mean but instead of taking it back, he just cries. Niall cries a lot that day.

Liam rolls his eyes like he normally does, complaining that Niall changes his mind too much and is moodier then a teenage girl.

Liam helps Niall with dinner later that night and the weak, sad boy falls asleep within seconds afterwards. He'd been through a lot of emotionally crap that day, Liam couldn't blame him for being so exhausted. He feels bad for Niall. And he feels bad for keeping things from Niall. The kid has a right to know what happened, it was horrible that the incident had to remain a secret towards him. Although, Liam would hate to be the one who told him and something tragic occurred. Something like what the doctors had warned him about.

Liam flinches when he hears a knock on the door behind him. He turns around when the door creaks open and a tall, lean figure stood slouched at the room's entrance. Even though Liam had shut out the light and the room sat in darkness, Liam could tell it wasn't a doctor of a nurse stood in front of him.

“Visiting hours are over, he's asleep.” Liam says politely and quietly, pulling the thin bed sheet over Niall's resting body.

“I know, but could I just... say goodnight?” Liam immediately recognizes this voice as Harry's and he thinks that should have been obvious to him. It wasn't hard to forget a husky voice like his. But of course it was Harry standing there.

“Sure thing, Harry. I just have to clean a few things then I'm out of your hair.” Liam whispers, stacking dishes onto a tray.

“Thanks, Liam.” Harry stalks over to the side of Niall hospital bed and slowly takes a light seat next to Niall's hip. Harry smiles wobbly and brushes his gentle fingertips along Niall's jawline. Liam can see Harry's head bow in shame and his lip tremble sadly. Liam watched this same thing every night. His gaze would always catch Harry's sad, teary eyes or his quivering lip as the broken boy stares down at his sleeping lover.

“Y'know, you're killing me. Making me lie to him like this.” Liam places a hand on Harry's back. “He wants to see you so badly. He whines about it all day long. He thinks that you'll never come to see him. You don't know how badly I want to tell him that you do come to see him, that you have come to kiss him goodnight every single night after the his accident. He loves you Harry. He wont be mad. Let him see you.”

Harry's body ripples and he cries silently, holding Niall's hands tightly in his, as if it would fix everything. He leans down and places a soft kiss against Niall's unresponsive lips. Harry lingers there for a few minutes, his nose and forehead resting on Niall's, then he pulls back just enough to brush Niall's blond hair apart to view the damaged scalp across his boyfriend's pale head and a tear drops from his eye onto the pillow under them. Harry makes sure to count all 9 stitches, like he does every night, before replying to Liam.

“He'll be better off never seeing me again. We'll both be better off.”

“I know, Harry... you've said that every time we've spoken about this.” Liam sighs. He ruffles Harry's curls and pats the boy's shoulder softly. “I suppose I'll see you tomorrow night then?”

“Yeah, goodnight Liam.”

Liam is gone before Harry is.

Harry probably stays awhile.



tell me what you think of this little plot twist. harry has been seeing niall. niall just doesn't know it. hehe wat a bastard right?

okay so i dont really have anything to say today. just that i love you all because this story is already over 1k. so yeah i fucking love you. yup. and IGWYH has almost 50k blaa barf thnx.



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~emilou xxx

Book#2 - NARRY - Don't Doubt The Life InsideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon