Shame, Friends and a Pokédex

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As I arrive at the path that lead back into Celadon holding Eevee’s Poké ball I considered what would people think of me, I went for a great adventure and am back in less than a day. I quickly run into the Poké centre as I enter the city; lucky for me there are little trainers around and nobody I know. A  woman, she has long pink tied back pink hair and a light pink dress concealed by a white apron stands behind a counter at the back of the centre as I enter.

"Welcome to the Pokémon Centre, where we will heal your Pokémon back to full health. Would you like me to take your Pokémon?" she asks as I approach her

“Yes, please, it’s my Eevee” I reply as I hand her the Poké ball with a panic look in my eye, she reassures my with a kind look in her eyes as she carefully takes the Poké ball and places it in a tray with 6 dimples for Poké balls held a Pokémon called Chansey. I had heard about these Pokémon there very talented at healing.

I decide to sit down and wait for Eevee there is nothing in need to do, not without him anyway. Suddenly a child barges into the Poké centre a Pokémon in his arms but I don’t recognise; it’s green with pointed ears and a bulb on its back. He’s met by the same nurse I was.

"Welcome to the Pokémon Centre, where we will heal your Pokémon back to full health. Would you like me to take your Pokémon?" she asks him as he dumps his Pokémon into her arms.

“Please, help him” he pleas to her as she carries it to a back room. The kid started to pace back and forwards but he soon realised it would take longer than he expected, he sits next to me ignoring my existence as he’s too stressed about his hurt companion.

“Are you ok?” I ask as he turns his head surprised that he isn’t the only person in the room.

“Yeah, I’m just kinda worried me and Bulbet had been together ever since I became a trainer” he replies

“Bulbet. Is that the Pokémon?” I question as I stare at the back door hoping for the nurse to arrive soon to tell me Eevee is ok.

“Ha Ha no that’s his nickname” he answers is a friendly voice “He’s a Bulbasaur. Do you not have a Pokédex?”

“Eh?” I reply

“I’ll take that as a no, here Professor Oak gave me two just in case I ran into other trainers” he says then holds out his hand revealing a red book like object.

“Just point it at a Pokémon and it registers it then tells you about it” he says. Ding! A bell at the front desk rings catching both of our attention

"Your Pokémon are now healed. We hope to see you again." She says while handing both of us Poké balls with our beloved Pokémon inside.

As we exit the Poké centre I start thinking to myself, things are really looking up Eevee is healthy, I met a trainer and I got a Pokédex…  

Celadon City's Pokémon TrainerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon