A Crushing Defeat

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As we walk into the city I notice the Poké centre its dwarfed in comparison to all the other buildings especially one in the centre of the town it’s a massive tower made of steel and glass with a giant S shaped logo on the front, we decide to look around after we visit the Poké centre. As we enter all the trainers inside look at me none of them have anything particularly special just some common Pokémon from around here non close to my Eevee, as I look around one Pokémon stands out but before I can realise what it was I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey took your time getting here!” the somewhat familiar voice says as I turn around to see their face I realise, its Kevin! The Pokémon pushes past me and stands beside Kevin, the Pokémon acts like it knows me but I don’t recognise it, it’s not very large and green but has a flour large in comparison to its body blooming our of its back.

“Don’t look so surprised its only bulbet” he says as he points down to it

“W-What happened?” I ask in confusion

“He evolved. It’s when I Pokémon changes size, shape and becomes more powerful. Whaddya think of Bulbet now?” he says as he smiles at me

“Wow, none of my Pokémon has evolved yet…” I say as I try to think why none of my Pokémon have evolved yet

“Well yours cant evolve without a stone” he says as he takes a small red stone from out of its pocket, I look closer at the stone to see a small pattern inside the stone but resembles a flame

“Here I found it on the floor on the way here, I can’t use it so…” as he finishes talking to tosses it into my hand

“Thanks” I say as I look back towards Eevee and Growlithe

“See you caught another one” Kevin says as he points towards Abra who is patiently sat on my shoulder

“Yeah” I say as I take out all there Poké balls and return them into their ball as I place them one by one into a tray on the side of the counter

“OK, I'll take your Pokémon for a few seconds.” The nurse says as she takes the tray into the back room. Before I even have a chance to find a place to sit the nurse walks out of the back door again with my tray

"Your Pokémon are now healed. We hope to see you again” she says as she slides the tray with my Poké balls in towards me

“Thanks” I say as I notice a large shadow looming over me. I turn around to see a large yellow humanoid Pokémon stood in front of me, it has a spoon in each hand and a strange long moustache. I look at Abra it’s obvious it’s intimidated by this Pokémon. A woman walks around the Pokémon, she has long black hair, I can almost feel the strength radiating off the pair.

Kevin is stood behind the two holding a Poké ball in his hand, I can see the look on his face, he’s upset.

“I couldn’t wait, I had to go battle her” Kevin says as he walks past me and hands his Poké ball to the nurse

“I will leave you here. And please don’t challenge me again till you become stronger” the woman says as the Pokémon touches her shoulder engulfing them in a bright light, the have disappeared!

“We need to train” Kevin says “She bet Bulbel almost instantly”

We wait the night out in the Poké centre till we were sure but Bulbet is at full heath then we head out to train…      

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