Kevin's Battle, Win or Lose?

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“HeHe… one down one to go” The trainer says Hitmonchan leaps forwards so its face to face with Bulbet

“Fire Punch” He instructs his Pokémon. Hitmonchan’s fist moves backwards then without warning it burst into flames then is launched forward.

“Do it Bulbet!” Kevin yells… Earlier when we were training in the wild Kevin mentioned it to me, Hes training Bulbet to do a special attack to fight against fire moves because he knew that Bulbet would have to eventually fight fire types… Bulbet produces a rock from its back using its vines it throws the rock towards the Hitmonchans fist

“Now! Bullet Seed!” Kevin shouts as Bulbet shoots a flurry of seeds at the rock making in move even faster into Hitmonchan’s fist, the rock breaks and the debris disperses and hits Hitmonchan and well as the seeds. As the trainer and myself look closer to see the outcome we see Hitmonchan laid face down on the floor and Bulbet sat staring at Kevin

“We did it!” Kevin cheers to himself as he runs towards Bulbet and begins to stroke him

“That was pretty resourceful of you to combine attacks, here you earned this” the trainer says as he holds out a Poké ball to Kevin, he carries on to say

“It’s a Hitmonchan” he adds as Kevin accepts his prize. I see a large grin appear on Kevin’s face as he tells me

“We’d better get going” he walks out of the Dojo with his new Poké ball in had.

“Wait up” I say as he quickly replies

“No, I’m going to need more training , you go to the gym”

I head back to the Poké centre to heal Eevee then we decide to head to the gym, from what Kevin told me the gym leader uses Psychic Pokémon he name is Sabrina and she’s strong… 

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