Start of a Adventure!

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Today was day I finally got enough coins, I could finally buy myself an Abra I knew it wasn’t the best Pokémon but it was the cheapest so it had to do. Celadon city is a large city made famous for its Game Corner and Prize Corner which is where I am a heading towards with a big bag of coins in the hope to get my very first Pokémon and become famous like Red and Blue but first was the matter of getting a Pokémon to get my adventure off to a start.

I have all the camping supplies I need already on me to travel around stuffed inside my red and green backpack and some Poké balls just in case. I am one of the few kids in Celadon without a Pokémon already, most kids had one when they were 10 so 14 is a late start and unluckily for me I was one of the few who didn’t but that will change soon!

My mind is clear as I approached the Prize corner, I had already said farewell to my parents and friends so all was left is to collect my Pokémon. The large glass double doors slide to side as I set my first foot into the building and begun to approach a woman working at the counter

“How may I help you, sir?” she asks while making a hand gesture towards the wall at the side of her with a large list of Pokémon, Items and other various rewards; my heart began to sink a I noticed the Abra on the list had been poorly covered with a sign that said                                                              

“Out Of Stock, Sorry For The Inconvenience” it sure is a inconvenience I though as I slowly stared to walk out of the store with my head bowed towards the floor.

As I walk along the stone brick floor I pulled a Poké ball from out of my pocket and started to hold it and think about what I’m missing, when suddenly a man stood in front of me and says               

“Why the glum look? You got a Pokémon now haven’t you boy?”                                                          

“No they ran out” I reply with a saddened tone of voice                                                                         

“What a shame” He says while stroking his beard “Wait! Here take this” as he straightens out his hand to show a Poké ball in the palm of his hand                                                                                       

“He's a Eevee, me and Martha found him wondering around so decided to take him in, he was quite willing to go inside a Poké ball... but he still needs a trainer” He presses the button in the centre of the ball with his index figure then rolls the ball towards me and out of a Ruby light appears a small brown animal with a bushy tail and long pointy ears, he looks around cautiously then darts towards my side                                                                                                                                                           

“Guess its settles then, he’s going with you?” He questions me                                                            

“Yeah I think so” I answer as a small smirk began to appear in the corner of my mouth

 I look down to my new companion to see his staring right back at with his large brown eyes, as I break eye contact I notice the man has gone! No matter my adventure has begun…

Celadon City's Pokémon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now