The Mysteries of a Man and His Mime

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As we walk side by side, me and Eevee notice a man in the distance and a Pokémon beside him his face is shrouded by his long brown hair, the Pokémon beside him strange its humanoid but its body is large white and round. I point my Pokédex at it.

“Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon. It uses pantomime to make actual walls appear. Because it is rarely discovered, information about this Pokémon is extremely limited.”

“Hey wanna battle?” the man yells as he waves his hand at me.

“Sure!” I instantly reply

“Eevee go! Use Take Down” I yell as I point at the Mr. Mime. Eevee charges at the Mr. Mime  as the man speaks

“You know what to do” he instructs as a smirk emerges on his face. The Mr. Mime starts making hand gestures in front of itself, as Eevee closes in he jumps into the air at Mr. Mime. Suddenly Eevee launches backwards

“Eevee no!” I yell as I look at the Mr. Mime all of a sudden a wall is in front of it cracked from the impact.

“HeHe you havnt battled a Mr. Mime before have you?” he asks and he moves his fringe away from his eyes.

“Eevee use Double Team” I say as Eevee quickly surrounds the Mr. Mime with its duplicates.

“Use Mimic” the man says as he points at the Eevees. Mr. Mime starts to glow a yellow colour then suddenly a group of copies appear around it still surrounded by the Eevees but almost impossible to determine who is the real one.

“Now use Psychic” the man says as he points at the floor. Mr. Mime looks at the floor then back at the Eevee’s it then raises its hands and starts to glow, suddenly the stones and rocks on the floor begin to glow and float then they dart off in all directions hitting each Eevee one by one they start to disappear when suddenly all of them disappear and the real Eevee is launched backwards hit by one of the stones in-between the eyes.

“Eevee return. Now! Growlithe go!” I say as Eevee is pulled into his Poké ball as Growlithe is released from his.

“Giving up so soon?” he asks as he nods his head at Mr. Mime

“I just getting started” I reply as I start to yell

“Growlithe go! Use Flame Wheel” as I finish Growlithe charges at the Mr. Mime and engulfs himself in fire as he rolls straight at Mr. Mime as he does Mr. Mime starts making hand gestures again this time I can see the wall he is creating. As Growlithe collides with the wall the wall smashes as well as the fire dispersing

“What?!” The man says as he takes a step backwards, shocked my the strength of the attack.

“Now! Use Flamethrower” Mr. Mime didn’t have time to react its hit directly by the Flamethrower massively damaging him

“Now use Quick Attack! I say as Growlithe dashes at the dazed Mr. Mime

“Quick!” The man yells. Too late. Growlithe smashes into the Mr. Mime making him fly backwards and faint. A smile appears on my face as the man begins to speak

“HeHe you should be fine with the gym kid.” As he finishes speaking he releases another Pokémon that grabs hold of him and engulfs all of them in a bright light. As the light subsides none of them could be seen.

I get Eevee out to check it he’s ok then we carry on towards Saffron. After a few minutes of walking we arrive when something in the grass catches my eye…      

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