She Never Saw It Coming

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Kevin walks away leaving me alone, I consider chasing after him but I know he’ll just tell me to go to the gym again so instead I decide to wonder around in search for the gym, after a long search throughout the city and the crowds of people I finally find it a large dome shaped building with a pair of large double doors on the front. I walk in cautious and slightly curious of what I’m going to find as I’m met by a familiar figure. It’s her! The woman from the Poké centre. Its Sabrina.

“So you want to challenge me?” She asks as she takes a Poké ball out from behind her and drops it to the floor revealing the Pokémon I saw before it’s holding two spoons in its hands I knew it wasn’t the time to use Abra he was obviously scared of it before so I choose Eevee.

“Go. Eevee” I yell as I drop my Poké ball to the floor revealing Eeve, the two Pokémon exchange glares as they wait for our first commands.

“Quick Attack” I saw when suddenly Eevee bursts out into a sprint at the Pokémon as Sabrina calmly commands her Pokémon

“Teleport” The Pokémon suddenly disappears in a flash of light just as Eevee is about to hit it, Eevee flies through the light and lands on his side as he hits the ground then suddenly another flash of light next to Eevee then the Pokémon appears

“Psychic” Sabrina says as the Pokémon raises its arms then Eevee begins to glow purple and floats into the air then without warning the Pokémon swings its arms launching Eevee across the room into a wall.

“Eevee! Return” I yell as I take out my Poké ball bringing Eevee to safety  as I take out another ready for battle

“Go! Growlithe.  Now use ember!” I yell as I point at the strange Pokémon as Growlithe’s mouth fills with fire as he spits it at the Pokémon

“Psychic” Sabrina says as the Pokémon raises its arms, I reaslise what’s happening then I yell to Growlithe

“Fire spin, quick!” he rolls forwards into the flames of his ember when Sabrina comments

“She’s not aiming for your Pokémon” she says as I see parts of the floor glow then rise, Growlithe hits them and Is knocked backwards not until the flames manage to singe the Pokémon’s hands but as Growlithe hits the ground he’s pummelled by the stones and it knocked out

“Growlithe return” I say as I bring Growlithe back to his Poké ball and take out my final Poké ball and whisper to it

“Abra it’s all up to you” I say as I allow the Poké ball open in my hands, Abra lands on the ground staring at the Pokémon leaning over him, the Pokémon’s spoons drop to the floor as they glow red from Growlithe’s flames

“What a weak Pokémon! I’ve seen the future and you lose. I tell you what if you can beat my Alakazam you can have the badge without fighting my other Pokémon” Sabrina confidently says as she nods to her Alakazam as She walks to her

“Deal” I reply as I look down to my Abra confident he could put up a fight.

“Attack now! Alakazam use Shadow ball” She shouts as a dark orb slowly appears above the Pokémon’s hand it then thrusts the ball forwards launching the ball at a unbelievable speed towards Abra but before I can tell him to do anything he disappears in a flash of light then reappears on the shoulder of the Alakazam, when the Pokémon realises Abra is on her she tries to shake him off with no prevail when suddenly Abra kicks Alakazam in the face and then teleports away to the opposite shoulder but as he appears Alakazam swiftly steps to the side letting Abra fall to the floor but as he does he begins to glow and as he hits the floor some strange ball shape objects appear from the floor and begin to rotate around Abra and then stop but as they do they shoot outwards in every direction hitting Alakazam multiple times around its body forcing har to topple over and fall on her back

“Now Abra!” I yell as Abra suddenly teleports on top of Alakazam then suddenly begins to start punching and kicking the Pokémon without pause when suddenly Abra leaps in the air and glows again and more balls appear rotating around him then he points down and they all begin to fall hitting Alakazam.

“Seems I was wrong” Sabrina comments to herself as she takes out a Poké ball and pulls her Pokémon into it

“As we agreed. Your badge” Sabrina says as she flicks as badge across the room and lands in my open arms….

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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