From Out of the Grass

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Me and Eevee approach the grass curious of what’s there, I use my hand to move the long green grass aside. A s we get close to where we saw movement suddenly we are blinded by a strong light, we rush forward to find out the cause… nothing. We search around but find nothing when I see another light from the corner of my eye. A Pokémon facing backwards appears on my shoulder, as it does it leaps off me, I turn around quickly to see what it is, I don’t need a Pokédex  to see what it is, it’s a Abra!

We look down at the Abra as it lands it falls onto one knee as I walk towards the Abra a shadow appears over it. A Poké ball drops onto the helpless Abra, it rocks once, twice when suddenly it opens freeing the Abra, it quickly teleports in a small flash of light as the man approaches.

“Your just making it hard on yourself” the man calls out when suddenly I feel something grab my leg, I look down it’s the Abra, its scared of that man, I look up to see him approaching me, he’s wearing black trousers and shirt on the shirt he has a giant red R on it.

“What is he gonna do eh?” the man asks the Abra as a angrily reply

“Stop you” as I say this he pulls out a Poké ball, as he does I nod at Eevee, he already knows what to do. The man rolls the Poké ball towards me and Eevee as he says

“Zubat use Leech Life” as he finishes talking a small bat like creature appears, it has no eyes and large ears its skin is a dark blue. It darts toward Eevee barring four large fangs aimed at Eevee

“Dodge quickly!” I yell as Eevee jumps into the air evading its attack, Eevee positions himself above the helpless Zubat as he falls already predicting my next command.

“Now! Take Down!” Eevee launches himself downwards smashing them both into the ground

“Dam it! Zubat return” the man says as he collects the fainted Zubat from the floor and runs off into the distance. As he disappears Abra’s grip on my leg loosens until me lets go

“Are you ok?” I ask the Abra as I kneel down to it, it hastily nobs at me then steps closer to me as it does I take the opportunity to take out a Poké ball

“Wanna come with us?” I ask it, before I have time to react the Abra pushes the button on the front of the Poké ball allowing himself to be consumed inside.

Minutes later we arrive at Saffron city, the largest city in the Kanto region by far its full of tall structures and full of people and Pokémon alike. We arrive at the Poké centre and rest up of the days ahead… 

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