Decisions, Battles and Goodbyes: Part 2

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As the smoke cleared Growlithe was stood next to Bulbet who had fainted when Growlithe’s Flame Wheel had hit. As I approached Growlithe, Kevin begun to speak.

“Did you think I had only one Pokémon? “As he takes another Poké ball from his jacket

“Go! Spearow” as he launches the ball into the air and releases a small bird like Pokémon. I point my Pokédex towards it

“Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans.”

“Growlithe return” I say as I nod and smile at Eevee who is patiently waiting at my side; Eevee agilely leaps in between me and Spearow and prepares himself for any oncoming attacks.

“Spearow use Peck!” Kevin yells as Spearow darts downwards at Eevee.

“Use Sand Attack then Double Team!” I command as I point at the ground below Eevee, Eevee hit the ground beneath him and kicked it upwards into Spearow causing it to miss its attack and fly into the ground next to Eevee. Eevee uses Double Team as soon as Spearow starts to get up, as Spearow looks around it realises it’s surrounded by dozens of copies.

“Use Wing Attack!” Kevin demands and he points into the group of Eevees not knowing which one is the real one himself.

“Use Quick Attack” I say while looking at Spearow, the copies fade then disappear leaving the real Eevee stood behind Spearow. Eevee runs straight at Spearow hitting it to the floor.

“Spearow!” Kevin yells hoping it hasn’t fainted, Spearow is injured but it was still wanting to battle as it got back to its feet. Kevin’s eyes light up knowing he hadn’t lost just yet.

“Use Gust!” he says as Spearow starts to flap its wings at Eevee causing a strong wind knocking Eevee over and making him roll backwards.

“Eevee use Tackle now” I shout while pointing at the wounded Spearow, Eevee flings himself into Spearow knocking them both to the ground

“Now use Quick Attack” I say as Eevee jumps back then charges into Spearow again making it get launched in front of Kevin’s feet as a smile appears on his face he says.

“Come back Spearow you fought well” he then looks at me “You’re a natural” he says as he opens a Poké ball that pulls in the Fainted Spearow inside.

“Well id best go to a Poké centre then” Kevin says as he picks up his bag and begins to walk away from Celadon.

“Cya” he says has he waves at me “I’m off to Saffron, there’s a Gym there. Hope you get your Rainbow Badge, if I could beat her you can”  

“Bye!” I say as me and Eevee flail our arms in the air.

As me and Eevee head back to Saffron I release Growlithe from his Poké ball and ask then.

“You guys ready for the gym?” as I asked, both nod their heads then stood along side me…  

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