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(Author Nim:
He.He. My you please play the music,while reading. It helps bring the feeling to the story much better.Anyway,back to Hyunwoo.How long has it been since we've seen our lead male protagonist? I think it has been roughly about a month and a half,maybe. Soongi is important too,you know. She's the head female lead after all. Time for some long lost comedy. Ready for the old Comical Hyunwoo we all know and love. I sure am. Oh god. What the fuck is he going to mess up this time.[please kill me.] ;-;  -_- )
6 years:Present time
Hyunwoo and Soongi are both sitting on One of the seven beds. They both stare at each other in a questionable manner,wondering what the other is thinking. Both lean in towards each other and look each other closely in the eyes. Soongi puffs her cheeks out,while Hyunwoo stares impatiently at Soongi for her reaction. Hyunwoo proceeds to crossing his arms and looking the other direction. In anticipation,Soongi jolts to the other side of the bed,that Hyunwoo turned himself head to. A loud stomp is then heard,shortly panning out to Soongi's left right foot.
Min Soongi:
"Damn it Hyunwoo!!!!! Tell me what the hell is just so important to hide drone me,huh? I thought you had faith in me all this little little time that we knew each other? What's holding you back? TELL ME!!!!!!",Soongi yelled,slamming her foot on the wooden floor.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"What are you hiding from me,huh? I know everyone has a secret that we all don't Concord deeply sharing with others. I feel like if I told you Soongi,you would hate me,just like my mother did.(Author Nim:
Damn it Hyunwoo,stop being in denial damn it.Your mother is a good person.),Hyunwoo nervously murmured under his breath,cupping his hands clammy hands together,putting his head down.
Min Soongi:
Hey,I tell you what. Let's make a deal. I tell you my deep secret and you tell me yours. Sound fare enough,right? Don't feel so down,okay? I got our back Hyunwoo.",Soongi flamboyantly prompted,hitting Hyunwoo left shoulder,in a sympathetic matter.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Okay,but you tell me your shit first,okay. I don't think I'm ready to talk about my past,at the moment.",Hyunwoo,murmured nervously,again.
Min Soongi:
"Stop it with all the horse shit!!!! Tell me straight out. I'm starting to regret meeting you that day at the entrance of the royal Hwarang temple. I'm nice to you,why sant you be to me? It's not like I'm just something to be used by you,right?",Soongi eagerly blurted out,playing with her fingers.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"About that Soongi. U-Uh. I know this might sound chaotic to you but,I see you as my mother."Hyunwoo admitted,insecurely,almost crying.
Min Soongi:
"E-E-Eh!!!!!! Well,that's a first. May you describe how she looks compared to me. It's okay. I understand. I get that I look like my dad a lot. It makes me flustered sometimes. Go on.",Soongi reinsured,scooting close to Hyunwoo and resting both of her hands on his lap.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"May you first of all,take you Mr hands off my lap and scoot away from me. You are making me very anxious right now. Give me some room,before I speak.",Hyunwoo looked with fear in his eyes at Soongi's hands and tending up,starting to have his face turn red,because he got a boner.
Mon Soongi:
"Oh,I'm sorry about that Hyunwoo. I thought since we were this close already that it seemed to be okay. I-I-I will stop now. Please go on with describing your mom's appearance.Snort* He.He.",Soongi laughed,in a playful manner,acting similar to her father.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,I have a boner right now. Please don't put your hands on me without me knowing. I'm going thorough prudery you know. I'm 16 after all. I'm a uncontrollable sex machine at times. You saw what I did to do. I almost banged you without protection. I'm now embarrassed.",Hyunwoo preciously admitted,blushing and looking away from Soongi's gaze.
Min Soongi:
"I can be like a sex machine as well. I almost let you give it to me,without you declaring if you like me or not.He.He. Snort* snort*"claimed geeky Soongi, scratching the back of her head.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Did you just snort? Anyway,I see you as my mom because basically the only difference is that you are shorter and that you are young as well. My mom is 53 after all. It's not like you are that spot on. Oh shit. I just made an insult. I-I-I'm so sorry,Soongi. Now I feel ashamed of myself. He.He.",Hyunwoo claimed,nudging Soongi,while looking down,messing with his fingers,releasing a smile,then licking his lips.
Min Soongi:
"That doesn't sound so bad you know,compared to mine.My parents died because of me. My choice to become this stupid flower girl. I knew better but,I stole those fruits that day from some old lady. I did myself in good. I scraped the living remainder of faith I had in me. My mom and dad told me to stay away from trouble,but I saw it as something amazing. I seemed to be too optimistic when I remained little. Now I'm 18 years old and look at where I am now. I'm not one of the people who works at the palace,but a mere animal for means of destruction. I read books when I could barely walk. That's how smart I am. I put my family down by making the wrong choice. Mostly my dad. He taught me to be this smart. My mom wanted me to become a women of virtue and superiority,like a hibiscus in a meadow,standing out the night west and vibrant of them all.I'm so stupid. I should hang myself and end my mess that I created. I'm not worthy of the life that my parents burdened themselves with.Im so sorry for everything I have put you all through mom and dad.",exclaimed Soongi to Hyunwoo,feeling discordant about herself.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,I need to tell you more that I have in my life. I know mine isn't as dark as yours is,but take the time o listen to me just this one time.",Hyunwoo pleaded,grabbing Soongi's hands and clutching them tightly,looking into her eyes,sympathetically.
Min Soongi:
"Tell me. I'm ready to hear your story Hyunwoo. You might as well have nothing to hide. Let's race this together. Just you and me.",Soongi said,gleaming into Hyunwoo's eyes.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"My mom is a prostitute. She had been one since she could remember. She claimed herself as the type of woman that has gone through it all. She has gone through rape,prostitution and having a marriage. My mom has been doing prostitution since she turned the age 13. You might wonder,about my dad. Well,I don't lie to talk about it. I will anyway,since you shared so much that happened to you. My dad loved my mother to his hearts content. He would always respect her and she would in return. What made it sad is when my dad killed himself. He drowned himself in a nearby river,by our house. He couldn't take the brutality anymore,seeing that his wife preformed adultery. Father then decided to end it all,as it seemed as the right choice to do so. I could never look at my mom the same way ever again. Now I realize that my mom did nothing wrong. I have been mean to her for 3 years since then,even though she didn't deserve my behavior at all. I saw truly the conniving one,instead of my other. I'm sorry mother. I'm sorry Soongi. I almost used you like my on did for guys in prostitution.Now I see that I am do better and treat you like you are suppose to, please forgive me god for all the sins I have committed."
Min Soongi:
"Hyunwoo,next Saturday,will you go to the meadow with me at 4:00 pm?",Soongi asked.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Sure. Let's do that,instead of letting the rice cook tonight or ever. We both dong want to get in trouble,don't we?("letting the rice cook" means sex in Korean.)Just me and you together,fighting this world. Friends.",Hyunwoo answered,smiling.
Hyunwoo grabbed Soongi by her side and hugged her.Soongi hugged back and pushed Hyunwoo with both of her hands on his shoulders looking at him. Hyunwoo smiled back and proceeded to lay down on the bed with Soongi to fall asleep innocently together. Of course they were both not holding each other,but sleeping separate from each other.After all,in the Hwarang temple,everyone is family and nothing more.
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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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