Min Soongi

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Watch the video above ^^

"Welcome to Hwarang!!!!!",announced a random voice that Hyunwoo heard coming from an distance.
Hyunwoo soon saw that it was a short statured princess from the temple. She had long,light brown flowing hair,with green eyes like his mother had.(Author Nim:
Yes,she has colored eyes as well. I love green colored eyes you know. I wish I had them,but sadly I have normal ass,brown eyes.)It made him remember his mother in his head,making him remember what she said to him earlier today.
"You will rue the day....!!!!!",screamed Hyunwoo's mother.
It made Hyunwoo a little unsettled,that such the resemblance was almost dead on. It just made him wonder,if these people were somehow related to him in someway. Thank god that wasn't his mother at least. He knew that because of how she would of pounded him in the skull,every time she saw him. Life was just confusing to him. The weirdest shit would happen to him,even though he tried to prevent that from happening.
"Um? Hello sir,I was greeting you. Are you alright?",answered a random person.
      Hyunwoo blinked his eyes several times and focused on what was in front of him again. It was the lady that resembled his mother again. She's not too bad,right?
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Oh,I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. I zoned out looking around the temple. It's so big. I can't wait to work here as a flower knight in Hwarang.",bowed Hyunwoo,politely.
"It's alright. It's a pleasure to meet you,sir."she said with a smile on her face.,the woman told Hyunwoo.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"May I ask if this is not rude to you,but what is your name?",Hyunwoo said politely.
"It's no problem. It's actually nice of you to ask. You are the first one to ever ask me that question. My name is Min Soongi.",she murmured,blushing.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Kim Hyunwoo.",Hyunwoo told Soongi,with a smile on his face.
Kim Hyunwoo:
Soongi,may I also ask you why I am the first one to know your name?",Hyunwoo asked.
Min Soongi:
"Well,it's a long story. Can we talk about it later.",Soongi told Hyunwoo,with an insecure face.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Sure. As you wish,Soongi.",Hyunwoo announced to Soongi.
Min Soongi:
"Well,shall I take you to your room,Kim Hyunwoo?",Soongi jestered.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Please call me Hyunwoo. Just Hyunwoo. Soongi,when you call me by my full name,it makes me feel like I am part of the royal family. Please,just call me Hyunwoo.",Hyunwoo demanded with a insecure face twinkling with his fingers.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Last question. Are you really a princess in Hwarang?",Hyunwoo wondered.
Min Soongi:
"Actually I'm not. That's why nobody bothered to ask me of my name. Actually I am a server of the royal family. I'm not part of their family. I just work here as an apprentice of the royal army. I'm a flower girl.",she said with a frightened voice.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"I didn't know there were flower girls. I only knew there were flower boys. That's so weird. Just tell me everything,okay,Soongi.",Hyunwoo reacted with a surprised tone.
Min Soongi:
"Well, the flower girls are a secret section of the Hwarang fighting force for the temple. It had been forbidden for the royal family to allow women into the army,thus what Hwarang is doing is illegal. It is just one of the many gender inequalities that woman have to love with.If the authorities find out about the flower girls,the princess and her entire family will be beheaded and the Hwarang temple will be no more.What you are hearing from me is serious business and if you tell any of the authorities,being a snitch like the last guy,you will be beheaded as well,with you entire family. Got that?",Soongi whispered into Hyunwoo's ear.
Kim Taehyung:
"Got it,Soongi. I hold my truce and I will hold a cow in my mouth if I break my truce.",Hyunwoo promised,holding his left hand up and then holding his tongue,mimicking himself holding a cow in his mouth.
(Author Nim:
Well,Kim Hyunwoo is the comic relief after all.)
Min Soongi:
"We have spent too much time here. Now I must show you your room. Come with me. Please follow me.",Soongi jesterd.
Kim Hyunwoo and Min Soongi walked through the Hwarang temple to the dormitory,where all the flower boys were kept. The dormitory was humongous and was made out of stone and graphite. The graphite was black,while the stone was colored to a light blue hue. Both the graphite and stone were formed into a checkered pattern to resemble a marble platform of light blue and black. It was also surrounded by a really big lake,with the clearest water. The water was so clear that you could see your reflection and drink the water,without purifying it,through a heating process.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Woah!!!!!!!This place looks so amazing. How is it like this? I'm not even a part of the royal family.",Hyunwoo murmured to Soongi,running towards the dormitory and stopping to look with his head dropped,with his back hunched over and his arms dangling from his sides.
Min Soongi:
"In Hwarang we are all family.",Soongi said,with a heartwarming voice,while smiling.
Kim Hyunwoo and Min Soongi bowed at each other and said their goodbyes.
Hyunwoo thought of himself....
Hwarang isn't so bad after all. I actually have a family and a decent person that I can talk to. Fuck the authorities. Their not gonna take away my new home that I appreciate the most. I'm gonna be a proud flower boy and protect the Hwarang palace and their royal ASSES!!!!!,Kim Taehyung thought,with gleaming eyes full of passion.
Soon 16 minutes later Hyunwoo found a old dried up river bed and tried to cross it. Kim Hyunwoo died that point in time,due to being an old river bed. The Maknae of Hwarang didn't make it out and had to be replaced with a flowing stream. No one needs an old river bed. Not even the main protagonist from my love from another star.
Look up the joke.He.He. If you get my river flow. Hint,hint. Wink,wink.
(Well,Kim Hyunwoo is a comic relief after all.)

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See you later,fellow flower knights. 🌸

HWARANG:The flower knights{Kim Taehyung/Historical/BTS/Kdrama/BL} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now