The Dormitory

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      It looked big outside,but really in reality was very small. Eight people are shoved into one single room. Seems a little bit too much,right? Not really. Other than most small problems,every one that lives in the rooms are pretty nice. It's better than living alone,listening to the voices in your head. The beds are pretty nice,being that they are queen sized for each person in the room. Talk about royalty,with those size portions just for flower boys.
      Even the shower rooms were separated from one another. It prevented all the other people showering,to see the other person's private parts. Other then that,you could see their lower and upper body just fine. It must be sure nice to be a flower boy,than most things that are heard about flower boys.You get to relax for your first month there,then start training for your skills to become a flower knight.What can be the worst that can happen,right?
The worst that can happen is that you can be beheaded if you don't pass the flower knight training,and also be mocked for a decade after your demise.There were also reported witnesses to seeing that the other flower boys would have sexual relations with each other. Most of the time these,"Sexual Relations"were mostly forced rape.These situations would go on,even though the royal family knew,because they trusted their flower boys to not go too far. Most of the time they wouldn't go too far,meaning giving the other flower boy peck on the lips.Occasionally once in a while a flower boy would go so far as to roping the person down as they were sleeping and doing "stuff" to them.Life's not so dreamy for a flower boy anymore.
      Kim Hyunwoo didn't know of these things happening to the flower boys. He was just so clueless,like a cat playing with a piece of yarn on a stick. He believed that what he got into was the best decision that he ever made,even though he would soon regret it.All he has to do is stay away from this mess,but knowing Kim Hyunwoo that is the hardest thing he could do.Now just to let the problems unfold in Kim Hyunwoo's hands,scarring him for the rest of his life. It was already hard enough for him being left handed and being the main character,plus the comic relief. He could never get a break,can he?(Author Nim: problems. What a clumsily,unlucky fuck I am. -_-)
Soon it was morning and Kim Hyunwoo woke up to only himself in the room. Then he realized what time it was. The time was 11:30 am. He overslept for the ceremony to greeting the new flower boys. He jumped out of bed ecstatically,looking for his hanbok that was light blue colored for the robe,while his arms from the underwear were white. Also having the collar a violet purple with a design as the trimming,extending to his shoulders.
The hanbok looked like this:

      Hyunwoo put on his hanbok and his straw shoes,with his black hat and headed out

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Hyunwoo put on his hanbok and his straw shoes,with his black hat and headed out. Taehyung tried tip toeing slowly,so the wooden floorboards wouldn't break. Then soon he heard a creaking,then a crunch. Hyunwoo soon realized that the floor was weak there and he broke it. His foot was stuck in the hole of the floor and he didn't know what to do,because everyone was already at the ceremony.
Soon Hyunwoo thought of an idea.(Author Nim:
oh god. This can't be good.)He could see his hat as a wedge to get his foot out.(Author Nim:
Lol. I don't know how this is gonna work.) He took his hat off and jammed it into the side of the hole. The hat crumbled and almost tore,but he got his foot out in a nick of time.(Author Nim:
This physically is impossible.Wait,this is a book. -_-)Hyunwoo soon put his hat back on and unscrambled it,while fixing his messed up shoe,that was stuck in the hole. Oh,how unfortunate a life Kim Hyunwoo has,to be the comical relief of this story. Oh,wait. Kim Hyunwoo forgot the most important of all things for the ceremony,being his sword.
Kim Hyunwoo ran to the ceremony hall,that was 15 minutes away,holding his hat,that he damaged the straps on. He then realized at the last 5 minutes that he forgot his sword. That's when he realized that he fucked up.(Author Nim:
Morgan Freeman style.)Hyunwoo just sucked it up and kept on running until he got to the ceremony hall.He soon saw a woman and then realized that it was Soongi,waving hi to him.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi!!!! I need your help.",Kim Hyunwoo screamed panting,while squatting and having his hands on his knees.
Min Soongi:
"Hyunwoo. It's fine. I told them all to halt the ceremony until you were here. There is nothing to worry about.",Soongi told him,while holding putting a hand on Hyunwoo's right shoulder.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Oh. Why wasn't I told this Soongi? I could have woken up like I was supposed to.",Hyunwoo pouted,with a depressed tone of voice.
Min Soongi:
"It's fine,Hyunwoo . At the Hwarang temple,we wait for every one to be present,because we are all family. Family should work together.",Soongi explained,smiling.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"What about my sword? I forgot it,being a clumsy oaf as I always am.",Hyunwoo told Soongi blushing,with his head down.
Min Soongi:
"Don't cut it.They told me to have one on me,in case someone forgot theirs.",Soongi whispered,untying her spare sword from her hanbok.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Thank you,Soongi. I owe my life to you.",Hyunwoo thanked,while bowing and accepting the sword.
Hyunwoo soon went into the ceremony hall with Soongi and had the ceremony commence.
Everyone was smiling and looking at Hyunwoo with wide eyes. It seemed unsettling at first,as if they were faking their expressions. Hyunwoo soon got over it anyway.
"Kim Hyunwoo,come forth to become an official flower boy.",the princess presented.
Hyunwoo walked towards the princess and bowed his head,with a knee taken down to the floor. Kim Hyunwoo put his sword on his knee and waited for the princess to pat his head. Soon she patted his head and made him recite an oath of his loyalty to the flower boys.
"Please repeat after me. I Kim Hyunwoo pledge-"
Kim Hyunwoo:
"I Kim Hyunwoo pledge-"
"To be loyal to the royal family-"
Kim Hyunwoo:
"To be loyal to the royal family-"
"And never disrespect my superiors."
Kim Hyunwoo:
"And never disrespect my superiors."
"I will always be a flower boy until the day I die-"
Kim Hyunwoo:
"I will always be a flower boy until the day I die-"
"Because it is my destiny to protect the royal family and Hwarang at all costs,including giving my life."
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Because it is my destiny to protect the royal family and Hwarang at all costs,including giving my life."
"Please repeat everything and you will be a part of our family in Hwarang,Kim Hyunwoo.",she projected blatantly.
Kim Hyunwoo:
" I Kim Hyunwoo pledge,to be loyal to the royal family,and never disrespect my superiors.I will always be a flower boy until the day I die,because it is my destiny to protect the royal family and Hwarang at all costs,including giving my life.",Kim Hyunwoo repeated with a proud voice.
That day Kim Hyunwoo became a official flower boy under the royal crown. Hyunwoo was worth something now,other than bring useless. He was a protector of the royal crown. Not a jackrabbit,like his mother called him in the first place. He had responsibility for once in his life and was treated as an equal to others. It made him have a sense of home for once in a long time,when his dad was alive back before he was 13.
Hwarang is a place that Hyunwoo belonged to and remained understood the most by others. It seemed as if he's living in a dreamland,that would never end. Or so he thought. Hwarang in reality,is a place of dark proportions and savagery,not even detected by the outside world,but as a mere gimmick,deceiving others. Don't ever believe the faces and emotions that they show in Hwarang. They are all wolves in sheep's clothing.The ones to believe are the flower boys,flower knights and the flower girls. Others are of pure deception of the mind.

HWARANG:The flower knights{Kim Taehyung/Historical/BTS/Kdrama/BL} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now