The Little Flower Girl

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      Min Soongi,the central main female protagonist of this story has a past too you know.She's just important to the story as,Kim Hyunwoo tries his very hardest to be the best main protagonist.(Author Nim:
He.He. He isn't doing so well lately. He needs to do some better shaping up with being less clumsy and more serious. What am I saying? I will post the ice bath challenge I did recently if this happens. Lmfao. >#< )(Author Nim again:
Wait..... Hyunwoo already did in the last chapter. Fuck. Well I jinxed myself real good. +_+ See you later then.JK. I'm not actually going to show you that I did the ice bath challenge. I got hypothermia from that so called"challenge" and hullabaloo.)This is the past that Soongi has experienced and let this stay to you as a grave reminder throughout the entire book. Min Soongi isn't just the typical woman,but a person that has gone through literal tragedy. That is the reason why Soongi trusts everyone,even though she doesn't know what there true intentions are. She has no one left to live by,but herself. Min Soongi is her own downfall. She is overall her own burden.
6 years ago....
11:27 am
      The sky was cloudy with a slight overcast,only letting in a bit of sunlight. The birds were chirping a sweet little song,similar to mockingbirds. Soongi's mother was squatting near the side of the riverbank. Her mother had with her a 11in wide yellow vase with a white detailed trim of the national flower of Korea on it,being the hibiscus.It stood with a stature of over 24in tall. It was the vase that supplied the entire house with water for a week and made the house look alive. It was just an weekly chore that all people in Korea had to do at the time.
Min Soongi:
"Mom. Mom! What are you doing by the river?",Soongi wondered,tapping her mother's left shoulder.
Soongi's Mom:
"Im getting water,silly. What do you think I was doing?",Soongi's mom exclaimed while getting up and patting Soongi's head,putting the vase down.
Min Soongi:
"Mom,it's getting close to the time that we usually go pick flowers and sun-bask in the daylight. When are you going to be done,umma?",Soongi screeched,running around her mom in excitement,while her mom was picking up the water.
Soongi's Mom:
"Do you mind helping me first,with picking up the vase of water with me? I'll promise to take you like I always do everyday,my dear,little Soongi.",looking at Soongi with a smile.
Soongi helped her mom pick up the vase and heaved it all the way back to their home,which was 20 minutes away. Both of them arrived at the doorstep and slipped the door open to reveal Soongi's father sleeping on the table. He seemed so precious sleeping like that next to the book that he was reading. The spiraled,bamboo,backed book seemed very small and quite familiar to Soongi's little wary eyes. She then realized it was her favorite book that he seemed to fall asleep tenderly to.
Soongi then ran towards her father and crawled next to him,trying to not wake him up. She approached her father's ear and proceeded to shout,being mad because her father took her most precious book again without her permission.
Min Soongi:
"Father,wake up!!!!",screamed Soongi,into her father's ear,with an uncanny tone.
Soongi's Father:
"Aish!!!!!! You scared the living rice balls out of me Soongi.What is it in god's name and time,Sweetheart that you could possibly be mad at?",played Soongi's father,putting his hands over his eyes and smiling,trying to make Soongi laugh,while patting her on the head,softly.
Min Soongi:
"Omma,you took my book!!!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!!!! I always demand of you to ask me first before taking my very special book,Omma.",Soongi routed about,while pouting and crossing her arms,tapping her left foot vigorously.
      Soongi's Mom pulled Soongi by her arm brashly into the kitchen. Soongi then proceeded to slide the door shut to the kitchen,so her father didn't don't have to hear what her mother is going to say to her next. Soongi then waited,until her mother came towards her and stood with a straight face and cold,Fleming eyes. This made Soongi feel uncomfortable in the situation she got herself into.
Soongi's Mom:
"Soongi,you got to remember what I told you a long time ago. You got to share always with others and not be stubborn and selfish like a pufferfish trying to kill its victim. You got to be like a Hibiscus in a meadow full of other assortments of flowers. You have to be the one who stands out the most and the kindest to all who come by to watch you fertility bloom into a precious,young women like the ones in the Hwarang temple. Just be the most enduring and intense one out of everyone.
I'm not mad at you,or anything,Soongi.
Just be generous to your dad,okay honey.
You get what I'm trying to say,right?
Just remember that to take these words seriously and keep them dear to your heart,because you will never know when the day for your blooming in that flower meadow will come,Soongi.",Soongi's mom exclaimed to her,while they were both in the kitchen.
      Both Soongi and her mother walked out of the kitchen and returned to the father,sitting in the living room,upright in his chair. Her dad seemed to be stuck with bewilderment on what they were Soongi the kitchen for so long. Soongi finalized her thoughts and decided to walk up and place herself in from of her dad. She went in front of the table,facing her father and took a deep breath. Her cheeks went instantly red and were hot to the touch. Her freckles showed up when she blushed and she puffed up her cheeks. She let out the deep breath and opened her mouth,showing her unwillingness of speaking in front of her dad,when she started to over obsessively salivate in her mouth.
Min Soongi:
"I'm sorry for yelling at you for using my book without permission. I didn't mean to come off as rude,or anything if I sounded like that,dad. I talked with mom in the kitchen and what she exclaimed to me was right. I need to stop being stubborn and selfish. If I don't stop being any of those things that I claimed myself to be,I will never blossom into the beautiful woman like mom is. She is the one that I should be apologizing to right now. I should really appreciate you both a lot more. You are my parents after all and I can't thank you for making me exist here in this,beautiful world today. Thank you so much for all the things you have done for me to grow up and survive this long. I owe my life to you,until the day I die.",announced Soongi with gratification,swelling her mind with happiness of what great parents she has right now.
      Soongi's parents started to cry and riddle themselves with utter amazement of how much of a strong minded daughter they raised. Soongi to them,allowed them to make themselves happy and express themselves much more in life. It showed many of roles in society that they made a successful child,that will soon be the greatest in their family. Soongi remained as their only flesh and books left,due to the recent deaths that are occurring,due to a controversial plague taking place in their area.This killed off most of their remaining relatives,including their own parents that raised them for as long as they could remember.It just made them wonder if Soongi was next on the list of unsuspecting victims of the plague.
They all went outside as a family to go to the meadow that Soongi always loved to go to everyday.All of the family seemed ecstatic and willing to go through the day happy. It all soon very ended when they staggered accruing as a man laying on the side of the road,on a building,sitting up.
Min Soongi:
"What's wrong with that man over there? He seems to be slumped over and is not moving. His eyes look cold,like a deer at its last moments after being hunted down for its venison. Is he dead? We have to help him!!!! We can't just leave him like that!!!!",cried Soongi,freaking out.
Soongi's Father:
"Soongi,we can't do anything. He's dead. I don't see what difference it would make to help out some deadman,laying and rotting on the side of the road.",proceeded Soongi's father,trying to face Soongi with reality.
Min Soongi:
"I know that but,can't we at least consult the family of the loss that they all have and let them endure it? It would be the right thing to do.",Soongi partitioned with her mom and dad.
Both Parents:
"We suppose so,Soongi.",they both feel raced out of their mouths,annoyed and sighing.
Both of the parents and Soongi walked into the house that the man seemed to be slouched over. What they came to see was that the door was broken. They all continued to go inside of the house and found the rest of that man's family. They were too all laying on the floor motionless,with cold,dead eyes not expecting death themselves.Soongi got mortified and walked backwards. She fell backwards and landed on one of the small children that looked about 5 years old,with dark brown hair,brown eyes and a white robe on.Soongi screamed after breaking the boy's arm off after landing on him. His face was mostly gone and showed his teeth decaying with the rest of his face,covered with maggots.
Soongi's Mom:
"Soongi,father told you wasn't a good idea,see. I think we should get out of here.",Soongi's Mom murmured,while shaking.
Soongi's Father:
"I agree to Ara.",claimed Soongi's dad.
Min Soongi:
"I sure the hell agree with the both of you. I think we should leave this man and he's family alone,never to be disturbed ever again.",nodded Soongi.
Its 2:43 am and what Soongi and her parents encountered made a new history in their memories today. Never mess with the dead,as they all say. In other words,"The dead will hunt you for eternity,or even centuries to come".
Soongi and her parents went back home to get washed up after the sudden exposure to the plague and dead corpses. The trip to the meadow will proceed momentarily after they all get cleaned up for their usual time of the day. It's just a matter of preference that the Min's love to take into consideration when going somewhere nice. It's like how many people go to worship their gods.
      Until then,may a flower bloom in the modest of midnight,a new kind of hell will be born in the distant future. The one flower that is honored by all people of Korea and the Min family themselves.That flower is nothing no other then the hibiscus itself. The beautiful destroyer of all worlds and alternate universes of all people in the planet earth. There is only one person who can control the modest flower of midnight.Thus,it leaves us to find out who really holds the power to the universe.
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