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Day One(Part Three)
Hyunwoo grabbed Soongi by her arms and pushed her onto the bed. Hyunwoo was sitting on top of Soongi,while she was laying on the bed. He grabbed Soongi's face and turned his head to lean in for a kiss.He was having the time of his life at that moment. Sparks were flying in his head. It was amazing for his first time.
Soongi grabbed Hyunwoo by his face and forced him off. Soongi has never saw this side of Hyunwoo before. It was as if he wasn't himself,but pushed by something else. It just didn't feel like the Kim Hyunwoo she knew for the past week.
Min Soongi:
"Hyunwoo,are you okay? You don't seem like yourself right now.",Soongi told Hyunwoo,with a concerned face.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Yeah. Soongi I'm alright. What makes you say that?",Hyunwoo answered with a straight face.
Min Soongi:
"It's just that you seem different from when I met you last week. Are you I feeling under the weather?You look pale.",Soongi exclaimed to Hyunwoo.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Like I said,Soongi. I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. I'm not sick. I sometimes get pale when I'm nervous. I'm sorry. Can we carry on. I really love you,Soongi.",Hyunwoo wispered in Soongi's ear in a seductive manner.
Min Soongi:
"What should I do about my other roommates? They are going to see everything that is going to happen. What should we do?",Soongi whispered into Hyunwoo's ear,pointing at the roommates.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,I know you can solve the situation. You are a brave,passionate woman that always has trust in others words. I trust you,just like how you trusted me with the secrets that you told me of the flower girls and the royal family.",Hyunwoo whispered into Soongi's ear.
      Soongi was under Hyunwoo at the moment,thinking of a way to convince her fellow roommates to leave the dorm that she was currently in.Soongi tapped on Hyunwoo's right shoulder,signaling him to get off of her. Hyunwoo soon got the notion and did so. Hyunwoo lifted himself up with both of his flimsy,boy like arms.(Author Nim:
What did you expect from Kim Hyunwoo? He hasn't trained to be a flower knight just yet. Of course he's gonna be flabby.) Soongi laughed when she saw that Hyunwoo was shaking to lift himself up from the bed with his two arms.
Hyunwoo smiled at Soongi for a couple of seconds,seeing his pupils grow big for once. That was one of the few genuine moments of how Hyunwoo loved Soongi. She was so honest with herself and would point out the obvious in a hysterical way. Soongi seemed like the type of person who is outgoing and very matured with her surroundings. She was very smart as well and overall greatly trusted others.She also would worry for random strangers that she just met by coincidence.(Author Nim:
I do the same things. -_- ) It was just how Mon Soongi viewed the world overall with an optimistic standpoint.
Min Soongi soon got up off the bed and walked towards her fellow roommates. She stopped at first,rethinking of what she was going to do with Hyunwoo is a very rational decision. She then thought it over and decided to proceed to getting the girls out,as a way to talk to Hyunwoo and get closer to him. She started to change her facial expression,increasingly beginning to smile when she appeared to get get closer to her roommates.
The roommates began to look at Soongi with a puzzled expression. It made the roommates feel hesitant to listen to her. They configured this suggestion up due to Soongi holding her hands behind her back,moving her body side to side with her torso and because of that fake smile she put on. It just seemed unreal to the roommates,but they still went with what Soongi exclaimed to them because they loved her and wanted to respect her,just like how Soongi did to them in their past.
Min Soongi:
"May you please leave the room and go to a different part of the girl's dormitory? You owe me,remember.",Exclaimed Soongi to her roommates,winking.
One roommate thought to herself....
"Soongi's right. We do all owe her. I remember that time when Soongi saved us from being weeded out from the government. She was so brace and willing to risk her life for us. If she didn't say that we were all servants and maids of the royal family,we would all be dry rice by now.(Author Nim:
"Dry rice" is a figurative of claiming that a person or themselves were dead.More similar to the saying,"dead meat".) I just love how she cares that much for all of us,even though she barely knows us. She's just someone who should not sin if her heart depended on it.,",the roommate thought to herself,astonished by what Soongi all did for them.
"Okay Soongi. We trust you will all our heart not to sin under god's nose,okay.",Jokingly said one of the girls smiling and hinting at what Soongi was going to do.
Min Soongi:
"I won't,okay.You can trust me like a novice just scratching at the surface of a new book that just got published. I won't sin,girls. You got my honesty by ten fold.,"Soongi declared to her roommates,while holding her right and up.
The roommates left the room and went off to do other jobs that they were given. Some of the jobs were being a maid,servant,guard and lastly a caregiver to the royal princess. There wasn't much to do in the kingdom of Sillia. What most people would do like what some of the roommates are gonna do is read a new best seller acclaimed book. On average it took a single person to read a 562 page book in 7 hours. This made plenty of time pass for others to get through the day. Reading was just one of the luxuries that the kingdom of Sillia and the Hwarang temple has to offer that wasn't a corruption,because others could speak out what they thought and for others to acknowledge without suffering serious consequences.
Meanwhile with Soongi and Hyunwoo....
      Soongi walked back from the sliding door that the room in the dormitory had.(Author Nim:
They only had sliding doors back then.)
She walked towards the bed and sat down,patting her right hand for Hyunwoo to come sit down next to her,towards her right side. Hyunwoo walked towards Soongi and sat down by her right side. Hyunwoo looked at Soongi with a puzzled facial expression.Soongi had a face that resembled a crazy old lady on acid.(Author Nim:
Soongi is unpredictable sometimes,okay. -_- )
Hyunwoo responded with a worried look for his friend,even though he didn't love her like he said. It was the hormones claiming that logic coming out of his mouth.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi are you alright you look like my grandma on acid.",Hyunwoo joked,laughing.
Min Soongi:
"What's wrong with you Hyunwoo!!!! You seem like the weird one here!!!!",Soongi screamed,making her face red.
Kim Hyunwoo:
Why see you suddenly so mad at me all of a sudden? It's you who is out of the ordinary.",Hyunwoo told Soongi,still confused.
Min Soongi:
"It's like you are using me or something. I trusted you to tell me everything and you seem to be hiding something very big from me. Why can't you tell me,Hyunwoo?",Soongi exclaimed to Hyunwoo,clenching her fists,holding her anger in.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"I'm sorry,but I don't know what you are talking about.Im just being me like I'm supposed to be.Stop suffocating me with your judgement soongi. I don't see what is wrong with me at all.",told Hyunwoo to Soongi in a lying matter,trying to play it off.
Min Soongi:
"I'm sorry. I just felt very offset with you. I guess my senses are really of today. I think it's because I've never been this close to you before,Hyunwoo. It's just feels uneasy.,Soongi truffles to say,blushing and moving around with her shoulders raised and her arms forced together with her hands foster onto her lap.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Shall we carry on Soongi? Just me and you alone with our thoughts to ponder. It just amazes me how you know so much about me,but I basically don't know a damn single thing about you.",Hyunwoo proceeded to tell Soongi.
Min Soongi:
"Yes. I'm ready Hyunwoo. I'm ready when your ready.I don't care that you don't even know a single thing about me for all I care. It is a matter of trust and that you won't sin me in defilement,Hyunwoo.",Soongi proclaimed,with a gleeful facial expression.
Kim Hyunwoo thought to himself....
"What a utter fool you are Min Soongi. You accepted me to not do anything to you. You only know the basics of me that is to offer. I love how so petty and easy you are to take advantage of. It just makes me.... OHUUUUGGHH!!!!!! Thrilled. You send pleasure down my spine,just like how I bet my mother felt fucking all those guys,instead of loving dad. I'll show her what it is to play with my life. I will show you that the world isn't all that fracked up it is to be Min Soongi!!!!! OH,how gullible you are Min Soongi and you will pay for it just like how I was when I was six years old that day.",Hyunwoo thought to himself
With a crazy look of his face,covering his eyes with his hands and letting out a psychotic laugh in front of Soongi.
      Soongi was not aware of what she was conjecturing with at the moment. She was just a curious young woman liking to enjoy life optimistically,avoiding the dark reality that she had,blinding herself right in front of her with Hyunwoo and what was happening to him. She just wanted to forget her past of her parents dying after she had to join the flower girls. (Author Nim:
In her time,it's a felony t have a female knight or any women in the military.)In order to become a flower girl,she would have to leave everything behind and allow the royal family to kill all traces of her family,so the government wouldn't track her. She of course took it without knowing her family was going to be killed,because the royal family didn't exclaim that and just simply left it out.She has gone though dark times and so have many others,including Kim Hyunwoo himself.
      Lust can change a person in many ways,but Hyunwoo's list was of his mother's. Hyunwoo was now not just in denial,but also in the stage of bargaining. He wasn't bargaining with just anyone. He was bargaining with the devil. A mere curious tempter not aware of the major consequences keying ahead in his path of uttermost uncertainty.
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