Resting For A Month

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  Day One (Part One)
What can a flower boy do for a month before he goes for his training to become a flower knight? Usually most flower boys would roam around the temple to meet every one that is in the temple in Hwarang. Then the flower boys would go try to ask a flower girl for her room in the temple,so they could get to know each other more.(Author Nim:
What did you think I was going to say,huh?) If they didn't do that,the flower boys would hang out with each other of the next 30 days,until they got to know each other more.
      Hyunwoo decided to do something different,being that he would go see Soongi for half of the day and get to know the flower boys for these past 30 days for the other half of his day.It made sense to,because why would you want to be a loner for these next 30 days? The last flower boy that did that,killed himself due to not having human contact for 30 days.(Author Nim:
Talk about 0 to 100 real fast.)Hyunwoo knew about this,that's why he wanted to get so much human contact,so he wouldn't go crazy like the last flower boy.
      What Hyunwoo didn't know was that the next 30 days were a test to see if he can endure the Hwarang temple without finding out its deep dark secrets. This was to see if we wouldn't go crazy like the last flower boy,that found out the nasty truths that the royal family was hiding. The udder rape,violence,and deception that was held upon Hwarang was unacceptable for a temple to endure for such a long time,without getting caught.What would happen every Sunday in the Hwarang temple,was that they would challenge two unskilled flower boys,against each other for life and death. It was kinda like a little game that the temple put together,to satisfy their satanic urges for bloodshed. It was sick to think of the things that would happen to the two men that would fight each other. Most of the time,the only reason they would fight each other is because they were both brainwashed,or forced to. It was just sad how these countless people died right under the government's nose,without them even knowing. It was as if they were playing with everyone they met and saw.
      Hyunwoo soon got out of bed and went to get his hanbok and put it on. This time,Hyunwoo looked for a spare hat and shoes,to make up for the broken ones from yesterday. He then tied on his hat and fixed his shoes,for the long trip to Soongi's place where she was kept at. He checked for weak spots every time he took a step on the wooden floors and stayed weary of dry river beds,due to him dying last time. Everything seemed to be going really well today with his surroundings not trying to kill him,of course.
      After 30 minutes of walking and being very precocious of his surroundings,Hyunwoo made it to Soongi's house unharmed.He saw that Soongi's dormitory for the flower girls was way different from his dormitory like a bow and arrow launched by a skilled archer.
      The flower girl's dormitory was run down,with a gross brown color mixed with white. It kinda reminded him of the one time he saw his poop,when he was using the bathroom in the woods.(Author Nim:
They didn't have toilets back then.) There were holes on the outside of the dormitory and the glass on some of the windows were slightly cracked. It was really sad to look at,without even knowing what it looked like inside. Hyunwoo soon went inside to see that it looked even worse inside. The walls and floor were a dark,black tar that seemed to be there from the amount of dirt and rubble that was brought in from the surrounding area. He soon walked down the long hallway and found Soongi's room door reading,"Min Soongi".
Hyunwoo thought to himself....
"How could Soongi be living in this place. I wish I could take her back with me to live in the flower boy's dormitory. She shouldn't be living like this. I thought that we were all family here and that we should be all living nice here. This makes no sense at all. It just makes me wonder,if they are hiding something from me. I hope they aren't because I trusted them and they clearly said that they trusted me back. Is this what the boy that went crazy and killed himself saw? No,it has to be way more worse.The things he saw before his poor eyes. Am I next?",Hyunwoo thought to himself,before honing back into reality again.
      Hyunwoo knocks on Soongi's door and hears a loud scream. Hyunwoo gets worried for a second and puts his ear to the door to hear what is happening. Soon Hyunwoo sees the door open slightly,sliding very slowly.(Author Nim:
They only had sliding doors back then.) Soongi looks at Hyunwoo with sleepy eyes,almost giving him a dirty look. Hyunwoo then realized that he disrupted Soongi's sleep,seeing with her dark circles under her eyes and her yawning shortly after looking at him.
Min Soongi:
"Sorry for the way I look. I was sleeping  after a hard job of showing people to their rooms last night. I'm not just a flower girl,you know.",Soongi apologized,with a slight smirk.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"What was that sudden screaming just now? Are you okay? What happened Soongi? You know I worry about you.",Hyunwoo asked with a loving,worried and sympathetic facial expression.
Min Soongi:
"Uh---He.He. It was just one of the other flower girls throwing a straw shoe at me to answer the door. It's nothing,really."exclaimed Soongi,blushing in a nervous manner,twinkling her hands.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"It's fine. Sorry to wake you. I just want to get to know you better,Min Soongi.",Hyunwoo smiled.
Min Soongi:
"Oh,yeah. I do too. Come in Hyunwoo and get to know the other flower girls as well.",Soongi told Hyunwoo,signaling him to go into her room.
      Hyunwoo soon entered the room and saw that it actually looked really pretty. The room was painted a light green pastel color,while it had black trimming around the edges of the walls. It was marvelous to look at,v.s. the outside of the dormitory. Soongi actually had it good here. It was just the outside that remained dividing to the eye. Hyunwoo smiled at the other seven girls that eyes smiled back at him. Then Hyunwoo started to think of how his life will be at Hwarang for the rest of his life.The next month on Hwarang won't be so bad after all Hyunwoo thought to himself,smiling back at the other girls and seeing Soongi smiling back at him.
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