XV: The Big Reveal

Start from the beginning


I didn't let Camila go to her classes today because she was still a bit shaken up. I insisted that I stay with her but she told me that she's going to be fine all alone. I had no choice but to agree seeing that we were both too stubborn. Although I did suffer the repercussions of my actions today because I immensely missed Camila sitting beside me in class, whispering sweet nothings in my ear from time to time. It has only been a few hours since then and I can't wait to go home.

Soon, the last class of the day ended and I was already running out of the room rushing to Camila and I's shared room. When I got there, I quickly opened the door and stepped inside. After I locked the door after closing it, I turned around to see all the girls curled up on the sofa watching Glee and crying. I watched the show play on the television with confusion before realizing it was The Break-Up episode. Understandable.

"What an interesting welcome." I mused, feeling amused as the girls continue bawling their eyes out. "Shut up Ralph and let me cry for my ships." Dinah shouted causing me to laugh. "But they still end up together in the end though?" I stared at them confused. "Shh, we know but a whole season and half without Brittana? And the other half of the Finchel ship literally died!" Normani wailed. This is gold, I will definitely tease her about this later. Ally was just silently sobbing beside them

I rolled my eyes at my friends before I walked to Camila's side and kneeled down in front of her. "Oh baby you're crying." I murmured as I run my thumb across her tear stained cheeks. She is so adorable. "I'm not." Camila mumbled in denial as she covered her face with the blanket on her lap so that I am not able to see her face. I chuckled and pulled the blanket down so that I could plant a kiss on her cheeks respectively. "Scoot over bitches." I said jokingly to the other three.

"You heard the woman." Dinah says to the other three beside her. "I could never say that to my Camzi. Now scoot over." I repeated. The three girls groaned and moved closer to the other side of the couch so that I have enough space to sit. I smiled, sitting beside Camila who snuggled closer to my chest as soon as I sat down. I wrapped both of my arms around her waist, nuzzling my nose on her head.

The singer sighed as she grinned from ear to ear. I moved to kiss Camila but instead got continuously thrown pieces of popcorn at. I glared at the Ally, Dinah and Normani who still continue to throw pieces of popcorn at us with blank expressions on their faces. "Stop throwing shit at us!" I said annoyed at their antics. They raised their hands in defense before looking back at the television.

Half an hour later, the episode finally ended and the girls were tired so they said that they're going back to their own rooms. Camila and I bid goodbye to them. When they were gone, Camila talked about how the girls were so caring and careful towards her. They comforted her and visited her while I was gone and she was so grateful to them.


I sat on Lauren's lap as she lays on the ground doing sit ups. I was sitting on her lap so that I could help her steady herself while she was working out. Lauren wore a black Nike sports bra and some gray tight fitting sweatpants while I only wore a tank top and shorts. The room was silent except for the occasional grunts and groans Lauren lets out when she does her daily sit ups. "97...98...99..." My girlfriend grunted each time. I've noticed she was starting to get tired, her breathing was slightly getting labored.

"Fuck, baby what number are we at again?" Lauren asked stopping momentarily to steady her breathing. The raven-haired girl steadied herself on her elbows, looking at me as sweat dribbled from her forehead. Lauren is an undeniably gorgeous woman. Especially with her toned body glistening with sweat. People who don't actually know her wouldn't ever think that she's insecure. They see her as this confident and strong willed woman.

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