Chapter 1

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My name is Hannah. I "live" at an orphanage in L.A. The orphanage is owned by Mrs. Oxballs. Anyway, I have two friends that stay here with me. Their names are Courtney and Jillian (Again, you can change it. This IS your story, not mine). We like to watch YouTube, but our orphanage computer sucks, and Mrs. Oxballs gets the good one.

We always have trouble every morning on which YouTuber we watch first. I want to watch Natewantstobattle, Jillian wants to watch Markiplier, and Courtney wants to watch Jacksepticeye. Courtney tackled Jillian, so I decided to put on NateAndDookie (Go subscribe to them). When they heard Nate swear, they looked at me, furious. "Too bad, guys!" I told them.

Mrs. Oxballs came in and dragged Courtney away. She looked at us with sad eyes. That's it. We'll never see Courtney again. "NOOOOO!" Me and Jillian both said. "Please stay in contact with ussss!" I exclaimed. "NEVER FORGET US!" Jillian said.

It has been a week since Courtney left. We decided to watch Jacksepticeye for her. The title of a video we clicked on was called 'Lookie what Jackaboy's got here!' And believe it or not, Courtney was on the video. "COURTNEY?!" Jillian and I yelled. Mrs. Oxballs walked in. "You guys are watching YouTube?! That computer is used ONLY for homework!!!" She scolded, "Jillian, you're going to the...RAZOR ROOM!" Mrs. Oxballs took Jillian and she struggled to get free. Sadly, Jillian couldn't escape. "NO! NOT THE RAZOR ROOM! ANYTHING ELSE BUT THAAAAT!" Jillian yelled.

Jillian's POV

Mrs. Oxballs kept dragging me as I struggled. I couldn't escape. I needed help. When we got to the Razor Room, she set me on the conveyor belt. I looked around. This place seems alright. I spoke too soon. A bunch of fat, shirtless sumo-wrestlers came in the room with razors. It was a disturbing sight. They put the razors on these machine-things. Before I got shaved, the cat that has rabies came in the room and jumped in front of me. "Sarah?" Sarah kept going in front, though I didn't want her to. When it was over, Sarah was hairless. A dude walked in and yelled, "STOP THIS MONSTROSITY!" He picked me up. He also picked Sarah up, and she was trying to pretty much kill him.

The dude ended up adopting me. I didn't even get a good look at his face. Then, in the car, he looked at me. "M-MARKIMOO?!" I fangirled. "Heh, you guessed it!" He replied. He also took Sarah and sat her in the trunk. This is gonna be a better life. A new start!

Hannah's POV

Both of my friends are gone....I am done. Why would anyone adopt me? *sigh*

A/N- Wowzers! This book is gonna be good XD

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