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Spencer and i stood mere meters aparts, both breathing heavily whilst spencer glared and hissed in pain.

I smirked.

"Whats the matter spencer? missing something?"

His face darkened, theres a reason im a cocky bastard.

"You snarky son-of-a-bitch!"

He snarled.

I just laughed, ignoring my own scratches and bruises.

"Now really spencer?!"

I faked exasperation.

"We all know i was just trying to help you loose weight, cause you've obviously put on a bit"

He screamed in outraged and launched himself at me, everything slowed.

The battle around me slowed, all sound was blocked out.

I moved forward quick as lightening and felt the sickening push of one of my swords sliding into spencer, straight through his heart.

Time resumed its natural pace and i watched his eyes dilute, shock so obvious on his dissapearing features.

He fell still, the battle around me stopped completely, everyone watched silently as Spencers body crumbled to a faint blue smoke that whipped away in the wind, carrying away the last of spencers exsistence.

Is it over?

Apparently so.

Enemies fled and the police closed in, helping whoever they could.

Shifters turned back and cheers rang across the dark sky, my lips slowly curved into a smile, then my heart was ripped out of my chest.

No, NO! How can this be?!

I moved forwards, one step at a time, hearing only the rush of blood in my head.

She cant be dead...

I fell silently next to the unmoving body. The tears started.

"no...no...no no no... NOOOOOOOO!!!!"

It started as a whisper and ended as a piercing scream.

All eyes faced towards me but i ignored them.

"Lyason... my baby... my son..."

I looked through my tears to the ghost figure standing over the body.


She smiled softly.

"My baby you have to be strong"

Hush was surrounding me, even the emergency service sirens had gone quite.

"Mum i never even got to tell you... i found the person i loved, where i belong... and i wanted you to be with us!"

Tears trickled down her face and her cold, ghostly fingers cupped my face.
"I love you lyason..."

My agonized cries rent the air, my heart felt like it was ripping, dizzyness overcoming my sense's as she dissapeared.

Is this what true sadness feels like?

Please mum...dont leave me...

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