If i do it, Will you?

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*Darius's Pov*

I cursed and tried not to slam my door as i walked back into my room.

Ly is one hell of a cute brat.

It took me all of my will power not to pounce him, my inner vampire shrieking at me to devour him, but i have to be delicate with the poor guy.

He had woken up in a strange place, with strange people, strange dreams and knowing his life is on the line.

My family has worked hard to get him here, for three years we have been helping to keep Ly safe and working on the war that rages deep within the forests of the earth.

My uncle and auntie died in the process.

This town is filled with only paranormal beings.

If a human gets too close to the town, they start experiencing a violent pain and immediatly leave the area.

The fact that Lyason is here quite comfotably proves he is one of us.

I sat on my bed, holding my head in my hands.

Ly needs protection, and he doesnt have time and freedom to be keeping me away from himself too, hell im the one supposed to be right by his side with him the whole time!

Its a promise i made to his mother, clare, and its a promise i intend to keep.

I checked the time as i lay down on my bed, 6:30am.

Looks like im not going to get any more sleep anyway, not with the little gold eyed boy right next door.

I carefully left the dormatory section of the town, it was easier to keep all of the high powered supernaturals in one building, easy to get to in case of emergency.

I have a room at the dorms but my own house two buildings down.

Inbetween the dorms and my house were the main hall and indoor training building.

I entered the main hall, instantly finding Tarry and talking to him about our new adorable charge until the rest of the town woke just before sunrise.

Sunrise in wood falls.

*Lyason's pov*

Sunshine splashed over my face and i sat up groggily, sleep flitting away quickly, yes, im a morning person.

Much to peoples dismay that is.

Darius stood opening the other set of my curtains and i watched his lean body, 19 at the very least.

yes, he has to be at least 19.

He gave me a small smile and i returned it wearily whilst getting up.

I went to my bag beside the bed and got dressed, the clock on my wall reading 8:45.

Darius started the day by giving me a tour of most of the town.

Mostly all the people here were different, and i felt settled almost immediatly, at least i wont get called a freak here.

we came to a halt infront of a man that was about the same height as darius, who was at least a head and a half taller than me.

The man infront of us gave me a bad feeling so i hid behind darius, seeing darius give the man a look of distaste.

The man just grinned.

"Showing him around my lord? lovely day isnt it!"

Darius held me behind him protectively.
Him? my lord?

"Yes, Spencer, it is" He hissed the mans name.

I didnt feel safe around this guy, spencer, he seemed... Evil.

Spencer walked past us happily, giving me a wink as he went by, i whimpered and darius gripped me.

I swear i recognize that creep from somewhere.

We continued on but now i wasnt focused, trying to remember where i knew the creepazoid from, my new nickname for him.

I snapped into the present when Darius stopped and looked at me.

"Ly are you okay?"

i stuttered.

"u-uh y-yeah. umm, who... who was that guy?"

The look of discust appeared on his face again.

"Spencer deriser, i dont know much about him but we definitly dont like him, only problem is we cant find a reason to get rid of him, he hasnt done nothing wrong, yet"

He looked at me closely, concern on his features.

"Ly do you know something about him? if you do i think you should tell me"

i shook my head softly and looked down.

"I dont know why, he seems familiar. All i know is i dont like him, he feels... dangerous..."

Darius growled and i looked up sharply.

the words i expected him to speak played through my mind.

"Stay away from him, if you dont like him then somethings definitly wrong with him"

i felt relief rush in. I can trust him.

"o-okay. Darius, he feels really really bad, and the way he smiled at your discust, its like he enjoys seeing you angered..."

Darius paused for a moment, probably recognizing that i was trusting him, then he looked at me as if id just helped him realize something.

I was glad i wasnt the only one unsettled by spencer.

He really just looked like a normal guy.
A normal guy with a bad vibe.

I shivered at the thought.

Suddenly Tarin walked past, Darius shared a look with him, and tarin smiled grimly.

"Ill do it if you do"

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