Chapter 8

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Aaron: What are you doing Erin?

Erin: Helping the pretty lady! She is so pretty brother, why keep her locked up. Here you go, now you are free.

Aaron: No! She could kill you!

I grabbed the kit from her hands and unlocked my feet.

Gabby: I am more concerned with my friends sabatoging me... And leaving me here with you! You have no idea what you just sent them to!!! You just sent them to death road! He kills the hole team if one member gets killed! How can you be stupid... You just got all my friends killed!

~~~~'Erin's P.O.V.~~~~

My big brother needs new hobbies. All he does is protect me, and just plot his revnge on daddy. Which he told me is dead, which I am thankful for. I wont be touched anymore! So, that is good right... He told me that this pretty lady killed him. But she looks so gentle, she woiuld neve hurt me. As soon as she reached for me, I knew she was going for the kit, but he did not.He pulled me away,  and she unlocked herself... Honestly, she was a girl with guts... 

Gabby: Geez chill man, I don't like to kill. I am not a reackless killer...

Erin: Yeah! I recongize her... Did you ever go to california during the summer. And you went to like, a ghetto area. And you saved a little girl?

Gabby: I did, but that was maybe 3 years ago... You would have been maybe 9 or 10...

Erin: I was 9... You saved me...

Gabby: Good for you! And, I don't remember a lot of things...

She loked so sincere. I was just trying to get her on my brothers good side. Although she did save me... He looked at her softly, bit it turned cold.

~~~~~~Gabby's P.O.V.~~~~~

I don't remember much anymore. But now that she mentions, it I do somewhat remember... He still had a cold shouler towards me. But it did not matter, I went through the bars, and ran upstairs. It was still in the same mansion. I ran outside, to see them all gone. I could easily go down the mountain and beet them to the bottom. But they would know that, so they would take a different path.

They are basically dead, if I do not go back with them. I saw a car, and hyperlinked it. The car started and, I found the fastest route of the mountain. I started driving fast. I had to get to them. About 2 cars were behind me, they were after me. I sped up, and turned down a random path that lead to hte middle of nowhere. Yeah, they would have taken this one. I was getting sleepy, but I had to get to them. I struggled to stay awake, but I kept going. The cars were getting closer and closer, and I suddenly felt relaxed. I inhaled, and smelt sleeping drugs. I opened the windows, and it was too late.

I woke up in the cell again, this time more chains on me. And no little girl to help me. I screamed on top of my lungs. Maybe someone could hear me, and help me. I had to save them. They were the only people I actually cared about. I pulled and tugged on these chains, but they seemed made specifically made for my strength. I pulled to hard, and felt my arm go out of its socket. I screamed in pain this time. I wanted out...

Aaron: I will let you go, if you promise to not leave.

Gabby: Never! They need me! You evil dushbag! How could you!!!??? Let me out!!!!!!!!

Aaron: You are hopeless, stay down here and rot... For all I care, you just a person in my cell... Taking up space. Now stop screaming you will wake my sister. She does not need to know you are back here...

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