Chapter 4

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I grabbed all of them and put them away. My mother walked in with a plate of eggs and bacon. With strawberries... I dug into the strawberries and took a peice of bacon. He ate the rest, but the strawberies where mine. I finished them and sat at the end of the bed.

 Gabby: Thank you for letting me sleep. I really needed that. Even though I woke you up. I am sorry...

He just smiled and nodded. That was it. I think I just made a new friends. A good friend. One that will help help me when needed...

~~~~~Gabby's P.O.V~~~~~~

We went to the store today. It was really awkward, yet I had no idea why... I mean he kept stareing at me, and when I looked he would blush and look away. Guy problems are confusing... We spent all day out, and I was bored. Every turn I felt threatened, like someone was watching again... He went to the restroom and I left. I continued walking until I was pulled into an ally. I reached for my pocket knife, and then I was stabbed. It was not even a harmful stab, it was barely even bleeding. He barely even knicked my skin. I grabbed the man, to see a guy about my age.  He was scared, his eyes were showing complete fear.

Gabby: Who are you? What organization do you come from?

?: I will never say... I was ordered to kill you.

Gabby: Tell me, or I will kill you. And I have no problem hiding bodies.

?: Please no! I don't want to die. Fine! I am  Zach... From the German organization, everyone wants you dead. I was only told to kill you. I don't even know why!

Gabby: Than tell me, bottom or top?

Zach: Bottom ma'am...

Gabby: Well if you go back. You are dead, so you are not my problem. Be gone, and tell yours and the rest. I will not die... Not until I kill them all first... Now leave bottom player. You are already dead, so why should I kill you?

Zach: Please! I don't want to die. My little sister! No, I can not leave her there alone.

Gabby: Wait! You still have your memory?

Zach: Yes! My father and mother they say the time is coming... And to save everyons as much as possible...

Gabby: Well you just saved your life...

I grabbed his arm, and walked into the restraunt, just as soon as he came out. I nodded for him to pay and hurry the hell up. I held onto this kids arm tightly, and we quickly walked to a secret base of ours in town. Rabie looked at him questioningly... I tied him to a chair, and he just sat down. I checked him for any hidden materials. Even a recording system... Nothing, all but his weapons. I just sat in the corner staring at him. He was sweating, and totally nervouse.

Rabie: So are you part of the order?

Zach: Yes, and no... It is so difficult trying to choose for the good side, while I am on the bad. And I have to keep my sister safe... And, all I know is that she has no clue who I am, but she is my little sister. 

Rabie: I know how you feel. My little sister is in the program as well. So, who are your parents?

Zach: Shayna, and Mark... One of the main ones, you could even ask your father... 

He called them up, and he told me that he was bringing Shayna and Mark over. To see if he was lying or not... Goodness, this is sucky... I felt a sudden irritation where he cut me. Usually, I heal fairly quickly, but this one is just staying there. I pulled my shirt up to see it infected.

Gabby: What was on that blade?

Zach: I don't know. They just told me to barely cut you with it. I have no clue. It is the really small one right there...

I grabed it and smelt it. It was some type of poison, not even my nose could recongnize it... I excused myself, and went outside. The fresh air hit me, and I felt alittle better. But I was still dizzy. There was a small town clinic, somewhere. My mother works there, it should not be that hard finding it. I walked for about 15 minutes before arriving. There was a young girl with blond hair. Maybe 20-23... Very young for a doctor... I walked in calling for an emergency 14. And only people who knew about that certain code could help us. This young doctor rushed over to me, and helped me walk to examination table.

?: So which organization, I was assigned here, but never did I imagine I would actually get someone... So let me see your wound, or whatever. Minor or harmful?

Gabby: Both, the poison is unnoticable to my nose... And I am not healing faster... And the one maybe about 10 hours from here... You look a lot like angela, our main bases doctor.

?: She happens to be my mother... And, if you work with her, than I am sure I can trust you. Name...

Gabby: Gabby.... You?

?: Wait THE Gabby! As in first  to ever tackle down head, one who killed about 13 people in under 30 minutes... Oh and I am Trudy...

She grabbed my hand and shook it alot. It seems she was a big fan... So Angela's daughter. I had no clue she had a daughter... Angela was one of my favorite people. She knew, about my chip because of my mother. And Angela is part of the order... So it makes things a lot easier like this... I pulled my hand quickly away, and pulled up my shirt. It was getting worse...

Gabby: Fix it! Before it spreads faster, I can already feel it... 

Trudy: Calm down, it is a simple fix. Good thing you came when you did.

Gabby: What is it?

Trudy: It was s poison created a long time ago, I thought it was all destoryed. Made maybe in the 2000 era... That was around a thousand years ago. Lethal, but not lethal. Take this, it will be out of your system in about 15 minutes. Ummm, and the name is calssified... I would tell you, but it has to do with the order.

Gabby: And I am part of the order. Now tell me...

Trudy: Well a long time ago maybe in the earlier 2000's they started producing a chemical called stypher... It was a chemical meant ro wipe out a A certain amount of people, if used correctly. They of course, made an antidote for it. So here it is. That was basically it, but somehow they managed to recreate it, well our division did. But we made it to where not even a hunter could smell it, you are proof. Seems it leaked...

I quickly took it worrying that if I waited any alonger I would be dead. I felt a really quick reaction. I looked down and it fizzled away quickly, and I healed. One thing about becoming an assassin they alter your DNA to make you kind of super human... I looked at her hard, we do need to choose a doctor for our mission. She knows about the order... 

Gabby: Are you trained as well?

Trudy: Yes I am, by your mother in fact... I was supposed to join the assassin thingy, but I was to weak. So they made me a nurse... But I got healthy, and if I was in the program, I would be 3rd in calss...

Gabby: Than it is settled. You are coming on the mission with us. You are suited, and you are pretty, so you fit... Gear up... We leave in a week, we will pick you up...

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