Chapter 2

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~~~~~~~Gabby's P.O.V.~~~~~~

I was sent in just like I was told in those strange stories my mother told me every night. Be prepared for the day that they take you away she would say. Survive, and thrive. You have a secret weapon with you at all times. I enetered into the vault only with one other person, who was a female. Everything around me was an illusion and I knew it. They at least tried to erase my memory, but did not suceed.

I just sat there waiting until they thought it was done. My mother has trained me with as much as possible... I am guessing my journey was not even about to happen....That was just the beginning...

~~~~~~~5 Years Later~~~~~~~

We were both 18. The best of the best in our system. I still remember that strange day. Being taken away from my mother. Of course the rest of the kids had no idea. All of their memories were wiped. Even my partner in crime Aileen.  We have both been here for 5 years... Training non-stop getting no break what so ever. Suffering, getting sick. So many kids have died... 

Honestly, the worst part are the dreams for me. Seeing kids getting beat to death. Or just killed in any way imaginable. If you were a weak link they would make you the target, and that means you were dead... I am at the top. Not the killing part, I am at the bottom for that. But the top of our group, smartest, fastest. Best trained assassin. Aileen was second, but top on the kill charts. She had no problems killing, while I on the other hand, had every problem killing.

I was the target tomorrow... That just means I have to kill to survive... 18 years old, training forever...

~~~~Next Day (Tournament)~~~~~

We all got ready in our gear. Mine was simple yet impenetriable... Black cloak so light it looks like it would rip with the slightest touch. But so strong not even a sword or any weapon could pierce it. Army boots, that had secret studs in the bottom to stab... Knives hidden everywhere. And my only gun stashed in my boots. My main weapon was a katana.

Aileen and I had the exact same outfit, hers was just plain white and washable... Her weapons are all guns. I have no clue how she hides them. Then her only knife in her side pocket. We were ready to fight...

They would give me a 5 minute head start, and I used it wisely... Grabbed all the necassary weapons to be used. Even brought some extras along this time. And the gun shot was fired. I heard rustling nearby. The bushes were all moving, and they started the hunt. Someone looked through the bush and he aimed a gun at my head. I put my knife to his throat and SLICE!!!!

Blood came pouring out if his jugular. My first kill... Felt amazing... What I was trained for. I dig the knife in the ground and cleaned it. I put it away and pulled out my katana. They where coming at me from all sides. Each distinct footstep. I could tell who was who. Aileen was not in the group. I crouched down and STAB!!! SLICE!!! Blood was everywhere... All over me and the floor. Only about 20 other people to kill.

Let me just say there were only 5 more people left. They were the high class ranking ones. Including Aileen. I did not want to kill my closest friends. So I stood up in surrender. They all surrounded me, weapons at my neck. I was covered in blood. Blood of useless people who would have never made it. I put my katana in the ground and breathed in. AS I felt all of the weapons at my neck. One piercing my side. I laughed, come on. They would have killed me already.

I grabbed all of the weapons and threw them. It is not that easy to kill me. The gun went off signaling the end of the game... 

~~~~Aileen's P.O.V~~~~~

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