Chapter 3

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 The day came, and I was all ready to go. I was just waiting on Rabie. I told Head that I was going camping with them it was just late notice. But I would be going into town with Rabie for half of the week. He agreed, because he can not say no... Rabie came to me in his camero and I jumped in. I threw my stuff in the back of his car. It would take us only about 8hours to get into town... And those 8 hours are only spent of 6 hours going through forest....

~~~~'Rabie's P.O.V~~~~~~~ 

Gabby getting away with those lies... That Idiot... Ever sense the beginning she always got away with everything... Even pulling a huge prank on us guys... She told Head that it was me. I would have kiled her for that... I mean all of the guys like her because she never talks... Honestly, they are such idiots... Several hours passed in scilence. And she fell asleep... I pulled over in a gas station and got gas. Almost in town, we where on the outside of town. I came back and saw people surrounding my car. I pushed people away from it, to see a knfie stabbed through Gabby.

I freaked out.... Maybe she was another teams target... Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at them, they had a hood on. The person walked away and I followed. We were far enough where far enough for no one to see. The person pulled the hood off and it was Gabby!!! Come on...

Rabie: That is not possible. You are dead...

Gabby: No it is not. It is called knowing someone is following you so you use a holograph that makes it real. It acts real... I was in my suitcases.... Why would I have 4 bags. And one huge body sized one...!!! Put it together...

Honestly this chick has lots of things up her sleeve. I went back to my car, and shooed the people away and she turned the hologram off. And the knife fell to the floor. She enetered the car with the hood on and shrunk down in the seat... Why was she still hideing???

Rabie: Why are you still hiding?

Gabby: Shhhhh. Do not talk... You have to make it look like you do not care. And that I am not in here. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to lie down. And sorry I did not tell you. But they would have noticed... So please... Just um pretend like I am not here. You guys usually do that anyways...

Rabie: We guys do not ignore you! You ignore us!

Gabby: No! You ignore me! I have no clue how to talk to people first. So I just sit there scilently... Trying not to die of boredom. Now please, I can sense them...

Rabie: You truely are the best...

I said that last part in a whisper. She was the top... But no one liked to admit it...  She fell asleep and we finally arrived. I poked her, she did not wake up. I got out and opened her car door. I put her arm aorund me, and carried her inside the house. Her mom and my dad live together, but are not an actual couple. They are just best friends... It sucks having my sister right next to me, but she has no clue. If only I had the old Aileen back...

I set her down and she curled up in the fetal position. She always has nightmares... My dad and her mom walked in. I of course hugged my dad and we all sat down talking. I went to Gabby to see her still asleep. She was crying, and digging her sharp nails into her arms. I picked her up and took her to the restroom. I splashed freezing cold water on her face and she awoke...

She looked right at me and looked down. Blood trickled down her arms, and she got up. Pushed me out of the bathroom and she locked the door. She walked out and covered the bandages. I guess she dug into her arm pretty deep. She walked into the kitchen and gave her mom a hug. She talked about normal things. My father seemed a little irratated. Like, he knew something was up with her... A knock on the front door freaked her out. She grabbed a knfie from her boot and held it. Her mom answered the door and walked in the man that I hated the most. Bradley...

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