I Need You With Me

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Alyson POV

"Jason! Jason! Open your eyes! Look at me!" I scream in horror. He got shot on his chest and he is unconscious. I need to call the hospital or he'll die. I don't even want to think of the idea of him- no he isn't going to die. He isn't.

Then I look up and see people in black clothes coming out of the shadows. I don't now who they are or why they're here but they don't even help me. They don't see that someone has been shot they are too concentrated on shooting at the guards.

Instead of calling them again I go behind the truck and move Jason with me. I couldn't risk calling them out and then they end up shooting me and Jason.

"Hold on okay? Don't leave me" I whisper in his ear. His head is on my lap and I'm holding his hand. "Everything will be alright...I promise" I cry wanting him to wake up and tell me that he'll be okay.

I can't loose him. I have never felt this way about someone. I always thought that I will just have a crush on him but it became so much more. The last few months that I've been with him have been the best. If i loose him... I don't know what I'm going to do. He has become such a big part of my life and I don't want to loose it.

I hug him, pulling him closer to me. I want this to be a nightmare that I'll wake up on my bed and everything is how it was before. I cry even more.

I couldn't just sit here and wait for an ambulance to come. I slowly lay Jason's head on the ground. I crunch down so that they wouldn't see me and I open the trucks passenger door. The lights turn on but they are too busy to notice. I look for a phone and I quickly spot one.I grab it and call 911. I put the phone on my ear waiting for them to answer. Please pick up, please pick up. The phone is still ringing.

"Hello 911. What is your emergency?" A lady says

"Oh thank god! I need help my friend got shot and he is unconscious" I explain without letting anyone notice I'm talking on the phone.

"What is your location?" She asks

"I don't know we're in the middle of nowhere" I say

"Okay, don't hang up we will trace your location"

I lay the phone down and check Jason's pulse, it's slowing down. They need to hurry. I can't lose him, I can't. I pull him closer to me and hug him.

"I love you" I whisper

•Jason POV•

"I love you" I hear a voice and it's Alyson's I can never mistake her voice with anyone's.

"Alyson?" I ask looking around me but i don't see her.

"That's her" my mom says

"Where is she?" I ask

"There" she says pointing upward. It looked like a big TV. There is Alyson, crying.

"Alyson!" I shout wanting to get her attention but it's useless.

"She can't hear you"


"Because..." she stops takes a deep breath and says " you were shot Alex and you're dying" she explains. My eyes widen I thought that all that was a dream just a nightmare. I was shot.

"Am I- am I going to die?" I ask. She didn't say anything.

"But- but I can't leave her" I say looking at Alyson. Wanting to tell her that I'm sorry for everything that I've done to her.

"I'm sorry sweetie" she says

"No! No!" I scream tears filling my eyes

"We can go to a better place" my mom says

"She is my better place" I say "She has made me so happy"

She approaches me and hugs me. I don't want to leave Alyson. It's going to break me not seeing her beautiful smile, and her eyes. The way she always teased me and made me laugh. I didn't even plan to get a girlfriend or even fall in love until she came. I fell for her, I didn't even think I would.

•Alyson POV•

I hear a siren I think police sirens and an ambulance.

Once the other guys heard the sirens they all ran off. El Chueco couldn't, he couldn't get up because he was badly injured and there were some bodies lying dead on the ground.

"Help! Over here" I call out to one of the paramedics. He runs towards me and kneels down.

"How long has he been like this?" He asks checking his pulse

"I don't know" I reply

"Okay, are you a friend of his?" He asks

"Yeah" I reply

He looks back and calls out to one of the other paramedics. They bring a bed and put Jason there.

"I need to check those wounds too so you can come with us and I can treat them" he says. They put him in the ambulance and I get in too.

I sit there quietly while the guy treats my wounds. I look at Jason and the other two paramedics trying to keep Jason alive.

Please, Jason you have to fight this.


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