Food Fight

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Alyson POV

"Well I don't know maybe to convince you to be my girlfriend" he says

I froze. I think I heard wrong, wait did I? He said that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't say yes because what if he wants a hook up and nothing more? What if he's playing with my feelings? I couldn't risk it not again.

"Like in hell that's going to happen" I say playing it cool and trying not to look nervous.

"C'mon love don't be like that" he says pleading me

"Nope" I say grabbing a wing and biting it.

"Why not?" he asks

"I don't know maybe so that I don't get my heart broken like all those other girls" I say and it was true I didn't want to feel that pain ever in my life.

"But you're not like those other girls"  he says looking at me with those charming eyes that just make you melt.

"Yeah that is why I won't be your girlfriend because I don't only want a hook up..." I say but he didn't say anything we just ate in silence.

A while later we finish eating.

"Damn you finished all that" Jason says looking at me like if I was from another world.

"I don't waste food " I say

"Yeah  I can see that" he chuckles and I laugh with him. I can't explain what was really happening. Being with him gives me electricity up and down my spine. The way that he makes me feel is amazing.

"So where do you want to go?" he asks leaning back on his chair and I place my elbows on the table.

"We're going somewhere?" I ask grabbing some fries from his plate.

"Haven't you had enough fatass" he laughs

"To be honest, no" I reply filling my mouth with fries

"You eat like a horse" he laughs

"Are you calling me an animal?" I ask

"Probably" he grins

"Don't try me" I warn grabbing some fries and throwing them at him.

"Ohhh you just declared war" he says grabbing more fries and throwing them at me but I get out of the chair.

"I'm gonna  get you!" he says

"Then you'll just have to catch me!" I say running out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"You'll be sorry!" he says behind me while i ran.

"Never" I laugh running upstairs and finding the closest opened door. I spot one and run towards it before Jason catches up.

I close the door and turn around. It was pretty clean, it couldn't be Jason's room. Although the room smelled like the cologne he uses. I walked around the room exploring what might be his room. Let me tell you it was huge.

The bed was in the left corner of the room. There were some poster of trucks and bands. His bed was cleanly tucked in and his clothes weren't as scattered everywhere like I thought a boys room would be. There were some clothes in his bed but not a lot. To my right there was a brown furniture that had a big mirror. At the bottom there were drawers. Then a big TV screen on the wall in front of the bed.

Then I saw a picture on the small piece of furniture close to his bed of him when he was a little boy. There was a woman hugging him from behind, it's probably his real mother. They both looked happy especially Jason. The way he smiled at her. I can tell that he loved her more than anything. I wonder what happened?

I hear the door open, I quickly turn around and I could see the evil grin in his face.

"You're not getting away this time" he smirks getting closer and closer.

I run around him but his long arms reached me. He had a strong grip on me.

"Let me go!" I say laughing trying to lose his grip on me but his strong arms held me in place.

"Not until you say you're sorry" he laughs moving me close to his body.

"Never" I laugh

"Ok then" he smirks and then he starts tickling me.

"No! No! Stop Jason!" I say falling to the floor and trying to escape but I couldn't.

"Say it" he grins but isn't stopping until I say it.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Stop please" I plead

"I win" he laughs

"This isn't over" I warn getting up and punching him.

"Just remember you started it" he laughs

"I'm getting pay back" I smirk

"Yeah we'll see about that" he laughs


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